Field Day Tourists, 2006

Alternate maps and listings
- Club-Site list and Scores for 2006
- Cross-reference of Club and Site listings, with QST results for FD2006. xx
- Analysis 2006
- Graphical Analysis of scores for Sections, Divisions, Classes.
- Site Map only
- Front page map without tour line clutter
- Land-use satelite basemap
- Infrared satellite image, red=foliage, blue is settled/pavement; shows I95/Rt24 corridors and metro areas clearly.
- Zoom-back to all of New England Division
- Colored elvations basemap, showing FD2004 club reports in other sections, Now with FD2004 site information
and a few 2006 listings
Map Legend
Antenna Tower: Field Day site.
Circle: highlighted FD Sites are shown with a circle (solid, or outlining a Square).
This highlights New Participants and New Sites -- or (latest) confirmations. Reason(s) for highlights are
included in the "hover text" / alt-tag.
O Green (go) High prirority to visit -- Confirmed
and New/changed location, or new team, or back from hiatus, or missed by staff last year.
O Yellow Confirmed -- visited last year.
O Red Not visited last year, not yet confirmed.
Hover to see why. Good to visit, if active.
Squares: A square is a staff base QTH, either home or FD if with red tower; labeled with callsign
to upper left.
Solid color means base
location of a touring staff member, should have line of same color going out.
Black center means not known to be touring FD sites (will be removed
if you say you're not touring, will change to solid color if you give me plans) or home QTH of a touring
staffer who is BASED at a site (color background square behind the site).
Colors are by ARRL Badge scheme (modified for distinguishing
a bit): Red, Elected SM or Other Section, or VDir (BrickRed).
Green, ASM and other Cabinet appointees w/o specific colors. (Dark Green for ACC.)
Orange for SEC/DEC (Dark Orange, DEC/EC/EOC; Light Orange, SEC).
Note on location: FD sites are plotted on as exact an NAD27 Lat-lon as is available. Home QTHs for staff
are usually plotted at the center of 6-char Grid-Square (e.g., FN42ho) computed from FCC mailing address
or QRZ listing, not from an exact street address -- sometimes plotted on 8-char MH Grid square center for perturbation.
List of Touring Leadership and Staff
Our touring officials -- distinguished by badge colors and shades thereof.
ARRL Leadership
Only entries marked
are updated from 2005 forecast.
- Tom Frenaye K1KI (NE Div. Director)
- Has toured RI, SE MA, CT, WMA and VT in the past.
Typically operating as K1KI/m in class 1-C
- 2006
- Tom was unavailable for touring.
- To see rest of New England on a map, see the NE Div alternatve map
- Mike Raisbeck K1TWF (NE Div. Vice
- Usually tours the EMA and adjacent sections
- 2006
- Mike was unavailable for touring.
- Mike Neilsen W1MPN (EMA Section Manager)
- Usually tours EMA.
- 2006
- Mike was available only on Saturday.
(Full Report (pdf))
- "I started my round of visits with the (
Algonquin ARC. (AARC)
) Marlboro EOC site.
- I visited the
PART club's
new [rain day!] site
at the Westford auxiliary fire house.
Nice facility with all the comforts of home,
but not used asn an EOC.
They ran their gear with a GENSET [generator],
but ran lights and A/C with commercial power.
- I had dinner and spent quite a bit of time at the
They had a large operation as usual (3A this year) with excellent logistic support. [...] NSRA seemed to have the best safety protocol and practices again this year [of sites visited]. They also had a safety officer assigned. I am continually gratified that they practice strong logistic support of their operations.
- Visited the
WARS/FARA [Wellsley
/ Framingham]
field day operation at the same location
where I visited WARS last year.
I missed Gordy, K1GB, but the night shift
said it was going well.
- I tried to visit the
BEMA club
at their site at the Braintree EOC, but the
grounds gate was locked and I could not
raise anyone to let them know I had arrived.
- I visited the MARA
operation at our ARES ICP in the Bridgewater town EOC.
They were going strong at 2300. "
EMA Staff
- Carl Aveni, N1FY( ASM - Chief of Staff)
- 2006
New post.
- See N1FY under DEC's
- Mark Duff KB1EKN (ASM)
- 2006
Will start at
Boston ARC Saturday.
- indending to visit
Whitman ARC early Sunday,
- possibly others if time permits.
- Previously camped out with
Boston ARC,
previously toured as Metro DEC.
- Chief Duff previously visited Capeway (off this year) for 100 pts As Town EM Director
(Capeway does EmComm for a race in his town each year,
so he counts as a Served Agency Representative, but they took 2005 off, and are not known back).
- Mike Ardai N1IST (BM)
- Ron Wood, W1PLW (PIC)
- 2006
"I plan on visiting
- "I will be at
for set up then head out to visit from there.
I may hit a few other sites as time allows."
- Mike Goldberg K1LJN (OOC)
- 2006 Actual Results
"I was in residence with the BARS/MITRE site in Bedford."
- Typically setting up with
Billerica ARS & MITRE
- Phil Temples, K9HI
and former SM
- new position, formerly toured extensively as SM.
- 2006 Actual Results
261 Miles
"I started the field day weekend with a visit to the
Falmouth ARA in
Barnstable (Barnstable County). I arrived at approximately 12:30 p.m.
during their setup. They had a good-sized crew, despite the rain and
mud. Good safety practices were observed (yellow flags, good grounding,
etc.) throughout the site.
- "Next, I visited the Massassoit ARA site, W1MV at the Bridgewater EOC in
Plymouth County. Carl, N1FY [DEC+ASM/CoS] was supervising the substantial amount of
activity, including dissemination of SKYWARN warnings for the other
Field Day sites.
- "After MARA, I headed up the road to the Whitman ARC operation in Ames
Nowell State Park in Abington, also in Plymouth County. Spirits were
high despite the torrential downpour and the water pooling next to the
tent and by our feet. Whitman sported a nifty ladder truck arrangement
to hold its triband beam!
- "Next, I drove up to Braintree to see the Braintree Emergency Management
Agency/W1PD operation on Sunset Lake (Norfolk County). The folks were
very friendly and gave me tour including their newly renovated
ambulance/emergency comm. van. The BEMA gang was also joined this year
by the USS Salem gang (K1RV, W1AI et al).
- "Sunday, accompanied by another Watertown ham, KA1EDY, I visited the
Wellesley"/Framingham crew in Needham Center (Middlesex County). We had
a very nice round table conversation while the ops took a break from the
radio. We talked about the problems confronting Amateur Radio in
attracting new blood and so forth. They remarked that it was
unfortunate that only one Framingham member showed up for the
event--the rest of the crew were Wellesley ARS members.
- "Later that morning, Ed and I drove up to the North Shore RA in Endicott
Park in Danvers (Essex County). As always, NSRA puts on a very
impressive operation--although they scaled back slightly from previous
year's operations.
- "Along the way I managed to make about a dozen field day contacts
operating as 1C EMA from my new mobile installation: an Icom 706mkIIg
with a High Sierra HS-1800/Pro antenna. (Despite the lack of proper
grounding to the car chassis and S9+ noise levels, I could still hear a
little bit.) I made an HF contact with every site I visited, except
for Falmouth ARA I visited before Field Day officially began. "
EMA ARES Leadership & Staff
- Rob Macedo KD1CY (SEC + DEC/Skywarn)
- Usually operates at SEMARA or handles SKYWARN issues at NWS
- 2006 Actual Results
Operated at SEMARA, having delegated SKYWARN issues to N1FY at MARA
- Frank O'Laughlin WQ1O (DEC-Cape/Isles)
- Steve Schwarm, W3EVE (DEC-Norfolk)
- Usually tours, sometimes only one day.
- in 2005, planned on visiting on Sunday only,
Norwood if they are participating
(not in 2005;
NARC are working with Mansfield EMA EOC in 2006)
and Sturdy clubs
at least.
and Wellesley as well.
- Was unavailable to tour in 2006.
- Ed Berg, N1VSJ (DEC-Ops)
- Blake Haskell, K1BTH (DEC-Metro)
- Carl Aveni, N1FY( DEC-South Shore)
- Steve Telsey N1BDA (DEC-Middlesex)
- 2006
"I'll be participating with
and definitely visiting
- "PART had a good GOTA turnout which was good to see."
- Terry Stader KA8SCP (Area I RACES Radio Officer (ARES DEC for RACES Area I)
- Usually operates with PART
(has also operated MEMA1 for Field Day in the past);
- 2006 plans
Expected to tour the "MEMA Region 1 communities,
- 2006 Results
"Saturday: Started at
then to
- "Sunday: From home to
(20.4 miles), to
(19.8 miles)
and then to
(33.3 miles).
- "I signed in at all of the stations above except PART where I finally got some
time behind the microphone for Field Day.
"My only comments... it was great to see all the hams at each site. It seemed
to be a laid back event every where I went. Most people were enjoying the lack
of rain (in the north) and trying to stay dry (south). The threat of "serious
rain" may have scaled back some stations? It sounds like there were lessons
learned at each site, some were new sites and others were at the same location
as previous events. I think it is a good idea to try new sites and test the
ability to "break new ground" and try new setups. It allows us to be more
creative about the installations.
"General consensus was there were no [local government]
"elected officials" to be seen at the sites. Bummer!
- " I was at the
Billerica EOC
tonight [Saturday] (not to be confused with BARS who is
operating with MITRE in Bedford). The BEMA station was not set
up because the EMA unit got called up for a local event which
kept the KB1MKZ station of the air. Jim Roberts was putting the
station online but they are not sure if they will try for any
contacts (2m FM only) while the local EMA event is in progress.
- Eric HorwitzKA1NCF (DEC-NorthShore)
- Usually operates with
- No other visits 2006.
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