Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW 
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Arthur "Bo" Budinger, WA1QYM 
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) - Ed Parish, K1EP 
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) - Bob Salow, WA1IDA 
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U 
Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ 
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG 
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN

To contact a section staff member simply address an email to their call
sign at or visit <> for additional



Affiliated Club Coordinator - Bo Budinger, WA1QYM

Please welcome New England Amateur Radio Inc. (NEAR) as the ARRL’s
newest affiliated club in the Eastern Massachusetts Section. NEAR is a
unique type of amateur radio club as it is not designed to particularly
serve local amateurs as is most all other clubs.  NEAR has as its goal
to promote education and growth of amateur radio as a STEM activity and
a communications hobby as well as support for emergency preparedness and
public service throughout New England. It seeks to collaborate with
other radio clubs and nonprofit organizations for education and
charitable purposes. One of the major goals of this organization is to
introduce more youth to amateur radio and STEM sciences. It will
provide educational services, volunteer examiners and grants to any
club wishing to promote ham radio to local youths.  In addition NEAR is
looking for help from local clubs to promote and facilitate their goals
in a collaborative manner.  The principal founders of this club are
Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG, SEC and Metro-Boston District Emergency
Coordinator and Bob Phinney, K5TEC, of the Clay Center Amateur Radio
Club. Further information on NEAR can be found at: <>. 

Section Traffic Manager – Marcia Forde, KW1U

Marcia Forde, KW1U, EMA Section Traffic Manager is pleased to announce
the appointment of Greg Bennett, KC1CIC, of Hull as Assistant Section
Traffic Manager effective immediately.  Greg has been filling in as
acting manager of EM2MN. Greg has been very involved in digital message
handling on both VHF Packet and HF Pactor.  He has written an article
about getting started in digital messaging, available at

The Brass Pounders League (BPL) is awarded to Traffic Handlers who
report a total of 500 or more points or a sum of 100 or more
origination and delivery points for any calendar month

The Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) recognition is awarded to those
who operators who are active in many aspects of public service. This
includes net operations, traffic handling, emergency operations and
public service communication support.

-  BPL:  None this month


September 20, 2015: 		
Cambridge, MA
Flea at MIT, Third Sunday April thru October

October 16-17, 2015	:	
Deerfield, NH


Get ready for Boxboro 2016.  Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, Boxboro Chairman and
ARRL New England Division Vice-Director announced at the Boxboro
Saturday evening banquet that Boxboro will now be an annual convention.

Many people contributed in numerous ways to making this year’s
Boxboro convention a huge success.  The New England Division ARRL
convention reflects well on the energy and health of amateur radio in
our region. Gordon West, WB6NOA, seemed to be everywhere and wow what a
keynote speech he delivered on Saturday evening.  Boxboro had not one
but two special event stations going all weekend under challenging HF
propagation conditions.  W1A, in the main building featured an
outstanding array of remote operating capabilities while W1B was just
perfect for those seeking the thrill of operating a portable QRP
station. Thanks to all the vendors, exhibitors, clubs, speakers,
volunteers, attendees and the hotel.  It was an incredible weekend but
if you missed it we hope to see you in 2016.  

Part of Westford has announced nominations for club officers with the
election to be held at the September 15 meeting.  Andy Stewart, KB1OIG,
says “After the elections, one of our speakers will be Rick (W1RAG),
who will give us his "Field Day Retrospective" slideshow.  This serious
sounding slideshow is really a very amusing look at ourselves from
Rick's unique perspective.  Otherwise known as the "Silly Slideshow",
Rick's annual presentation will surely have you laughing and

Members of the Algonquin ARC fielded a team of over a dozen amateurs to
assist in the Marlborough Labor Day Parade on September 7.

The Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) moved to a new meeting
location in Chelmsford on September 2 and promptly got things rolling
with a talk by Carl Achin, WA1ZCQ, on QRP operating called “Less is
More”. The new location for regular meetings (first Wednesday each
month) and VE sessions (second Thursday each month) is the Matthews
Memorial Church.  More info is available on the club webpage
Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC and Wrentham CERT members teamed up to
assist with the Lake Pearl Plunge Road Race on August 22 in Wrentham.

The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club coordinated Amateur Radio
communications for the Run To The Rock Road Race on September 12. The 4
1/2 hour event used three separate courses encompassing a large
geographic area of Plymouth. 

The annual Head of the Charles Regatta is seeking amateur volunteers.
The three-day event is one of the largest public service events in New
England, held October 16-18, 2015 along the Charles River in Cambridge
and Boston. To volunteer, contact Steve Schwarm, W3EVE at

The Cape Ann ARA conducted a very successful Tech In a Day session at
the Boxboro. CAARA’s Stan Stone, W4HIX says, “Not only did we
graduate 30 new Techs, but we got a mention on Gordon West’s segment
on ‘Ham Nation’, and were asked to come back to Boxboro next

PART of Westford was well represented at the recent New England
Division Convention in Boxboro, according to President Andy Stewart,
KBOIQ. “AB2OC, K1IG, myself, KB1MGI, and KA8SCP gave presentations,
while N1AEW and KB1SWZ represented AMSAT at their booth.” Andy also
played a key role as Volunteer Chairman for the Boxboro Committee. 
Foxhunters in and around the town of Sudbury were in involved in the
attempted recovery of a downed radio-controlled airplane recently. 
Amateurs listened for the plane’s CW beacon on 220.268 MHz consisting
of a pulse lasting of a quarter-second broadcast every two seconds. The
plane reportedly has an eight-foot feet wingspan, a white fuselage,
dark blue bottom, and a white top.  It was last reported heard in the
vicinity of the North Sudbury fire station. No word on whether it was

North Shore amateurs assisted with communications for the Cape Ann
Around the Cape Road Race on Labor Day.

Members of the Framingham ARA are conducting a demonstration at the
Natick Community Senior Center on Friday, October 16 at 2:00 PM and
Saturday, October 17 at 9:00 AM. According to FARA’s W1HAI, the
Friday demo will include a presentation on the history of Amateur
Radio, the number of ways to communicate, how to get started, talk on
the air and answer questions. FARA’s Saturday morning segment will
coincide with the 58th Jamboree on the Air. 

Waltham ARA repeaters on 146, 222, 440, and 900 MHz were temporarily
QRT on September 3 for a few hours, reports WARA’s John Flood,
KB1FQG. It’s thought that a nearby lightning strike knocked out power
at the Bear Hill site. 

Two upcoming public service events are in need of additional Amateur
Radio volunteers, according to Brett Smith, AB1RL.  The Jimmy Fund Walk
will be held on September 27. Says Smith: “This is an all-day walk
along the Boston Marathon route to raise funds for the Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute. And, on October 11, the BAA Half-Marathon will take
place along the Emerald Necklace in Boston. If you’re interested in
assisting in either event, contact Brett Smith at

Acknowledgement:  Thank you to Phil, K9HI, for his help with the
September news.  


Please send items of news and club activities for inclusion the section
news by the first of each month.

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW