Robert “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV writes:
After a long dry spell of inactivity due to bad weather, we will be out and about again. It is a tough time of the year for activations in this part of the country but Don and I will do our best over the coming months. We have another 20 or so lights to activate in the coming year.
Don N1DT and I plan to activate two on Saturday, Dec. 31st for the Christmas Lights event:
Call sign to be used: W1AA
Goat Island/Newport Harbor Lighthouse – ARLHS USA 548 and Rose Island Lighthouse – ARLHS USA 703
Date: 31 December 2005 Op. time: approx 1230 to 1900 UTC [0730 AM to 2:00 PM EST]. Modes: SSB and CW Bands: 20 and 40 meters. Freqs: SSB: 14.270 ± 15 KHz; 7.270 ± QRM
CW: 14.035 ± 8 KHz; 7.035 ± QRM Depending on the 20 phone QRM we may have to work 15 and 17 meters also. Rig: ICOM IC-706 MK II G Antenna: Home Brew 40/20 Truck Mounted Vertical
We also have a packet station in the truck with a 4 el 2 Meter yagi and a 170 Watt amplfier so we can spot ourselves on the DX Summit packet cluster world wide. Watch the cluster for the spots.
There will be a digial photo QSL for each of the lights, remember to please include an SASE, no special envelopes required. Stateside QSL to W1AA CBA, and DX vis the bureau.
Keep the Flame
Don N1DT #962 and Whitey K1VV #957 / W1AA