Get on the Air Activity from the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association


I’m Jim, WA1GPO, one of the directors for (FARA) the Falmouth Amateur radio association. FARA is working to encourage operators to become more active. Generally speaking the amateur bands have been ‘quiet’; this may be due to the low sunspot activity or just the pace of the world we live  in, we don’t know. We’re hoping to try to generate a little interest in the local area with various ‘on the air’ activities. Everyone appears to have a 2m radio so that seems like a logical place to start.

Our first activity is a 2m QSO party, it’s on Sunday, May 30 from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Sunday evenings are generally quiet so hopefully most operators will find it a convenient time. The major objective is to simply encourage folks to turn on a radio and to have a little fun!! It is a simplex (direct) style of operation, repeater contacts do not count  however repeaters may be utilized to solicit simplex contacts and to generate a little more activity!!

To make it a little more interesting we’re encouraging others in the SEMA area to participate as well.  I’d like to ask your assistance in spreading the word; if your group has a local net perhaps the net control could mention the activity, a few fliers at club meeting would be helpful, a mention in the club newsletter, a mailing list … the more activity we can stimulate the better.

If this activity is successful we would like to do more; different bands, modes, VHF/HF, whatever sparks an interest. Comments or suggestions would be most welcome. Please feel free to invite other groups or individuals to participate.

The pdf  which describes in detail the QSO party is available on the Falmouth ARA web site at; under FARA Events at the top of the page.

If there are any questions I may be reached via email or on my cell at 508-498-075.

Thank you for your support.



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