Hello to all..
The following information was provided by ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, Carl Aveni, N1FY, on Amateur Radio volunteer communication opportunities at the South Shore Hospital where an Open House for Amateur Radio Operators has been scheduled. The text of the press release and the flyer are listed below:
Based on recent FCC data, there are 91 active Amateur Radio licenses in the town of Weymouth and many more in surrounding communities. If you are an experienced Amateur Radio Operator and you are interested in becoming a Radio Communications Volunteer for South Shore Hospital, please join us at an open house on Tuesday, August 24, 2010, from 5:00pm – 7:00pm in the Private Dining Room on the second floor of the Emerson Building.
For more information, please call Joan Cooper-Zack, RN, Emergency Preparedness Manager, (781)-624-4366
Or email
Joan_Cooper-Zack at sshosp.org
John_O’Neill at sshosp.org
South Shore Hospital Open House Flyer: http://ares.ema.arrl.org/local/Ham_Radio_Flyer_8-24.pdf