Members of the Framingham Amateur Radio Association were on hand last week at the club station to demonstrate Amateur Radio to a local cub scout troop.
According to Jeff Piazza, Cub Master of the Wellesley Cub Scout Troop, the evening was a great success for all the participants.
“Thank you for a great evening for the boys. As you can appreciate, keeping a group of boys this age engaged and not bouncing off the walls can be a significant challenge, but this was not an issue with last night’s event. Clearly you were doing something right!”
“I want to thank Ed, W1NXC, Mary, KA1HGL, Sumner, W1VIV, and especially Jim, W1EQW who operated from his QTH on the FARA repeater for over an hour to give the scouts the thrill of talking with someone on the air,” added Framingham ARA President Gordy Bello, K1GB.
Additional photos from the cub scout event at W1FY are available for viewing.