Terry Stader, KA8SCP, will be the featured speaker at the Nashoba Valley ARC‘s April 18 meeting in Pepperell. A member of PART of Westford, Stader is involved in Massachusetts RACES. He’s a D-STAR coordinator for numerous repeaters, an ARRL District Emergency Coordinator, and the MEMA Region One Communications/RACES Officer.
NVARC meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Pepperell Community Center, 4 Hollis Street, Pepperell, MA.
Bruce Blain, K1BG, writes:
As an added bonus, Phil Erickson (W1PJE) will provide a ‘walk-on’ brief discussion of a hot topic: the recent Event Horizon Telescope results on the black hole in M87, and some interesting facts about how radio was used in constructing the image.
The MIT Haystack Observatory in Westford was instrumental in processing data as a part of the international imaging team.
Hope you can make it