Volunteers Sought, North Attleborough Fire Fighters Kids Day, July 25-28, 2019

Ray Cord, K2TGX, writes on the Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC mailing list:

This a call for assistance from all EMA, CERT. HAM and MRC groups to help at the North Attleborough Fire Fighters Kids Day.
Those Agencies that are supplying equipment (Light Towers, Message Boards etc) have been contacted separately for Mutual Aid 

WHAT: N.A. Firefighters Kids Day- A four day long Family Event with a Carnival Games, Music, Vendors,  Classic Cars Cruise Night
           Food Court Bands and ending with Fireworks at Dark on both Friday AND Saturday There will also be a Road Race on Sunday
           Morning that will need coverage

WHEN: Thursday July 25th Through Sunday July 28th  Noon to 11:00PM  Sunday Carnival ends at 6:00PM. The Sunday Road Race will be at  
            7AM Until approximately 10AM.

WHERE: N.A. Middle School Campus 564 Landry Ave  North Attleborough

WHO; Everybody. Volunteers can bring their families and friends
          Duty uniform weather dependent but HiViz Jacket/Raincoat/ or Vest Dark pants or shorts, Baseball cap, Traffic Wand/Flashlight,
          Sunscreen and bug spray. Radios will be provided as needed.

THE MISSION: Our Mission is to manage the Parking Lots and roadways on site and at one overflow off site Parking lot on Landry Ave.
There will be two shifts. A Day Shift and a Night Shift which will change between 5:00PM and 6:00PM 
The Day Shift will start at 11AM and end at 5:30PM. The Night Shift will start at 5:00PM and end at 11:00PM or earlier if traffic warrants it.
There will be meal tickets provided by the Committee for a meal half way through your shift and breaks (Hydration) will be provided as needed.

Our Mission is to manage the on campus Parking Lots, Accessible Parking and assist the Police with Pedestrian safety both before, during and after the Event and Fireworks. After the Fireworks we will assist the Police Detail in safely getting cars from the Parking Lots to the Street and make sure that Pedestrians and Cars don’t mix. We will also be responsible for starting and maintaining the several light towers and Message Boards scattered throughout the Campus.

We recognize that this is a long duration event but would appreciate what ever time you can give us. It is suggested that if a specific Team could do a Day or Shift or two that would work best. If you have mobility issues we can put you where you are not on your feet (Volunteer Registration Booth, Command Post  etc) or bring a lawn chair.

Please email  scott.bumpus@nafirefighterskidsday.org ASAP to give us the time shift you can work and the organization that you belong to, so that we may start plugging people into ICS positions.

For more info about the event go to    http://nakidsday.com/

Thank you 

Scott Bumpus FF, NRP, COML, COMTCommunications/CERT CoordinatorNAFFKD Committee

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