Bob Phinney, K5TEC, writes:
“The STARS Radio Lecture Series is 7 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
4/14/20: Mark A. Rudd KC1LOM: HISTORY OF TITANIC’S RADIO (and Related Broadcast Theory)
Guest Speaker:
Mark A. Rudd, KC1LOM, is a retired Electrical Engineer and enjoys being a Technology Instructor for young and old students alike. Relevant to ham radio clubs, Mr. Rudd served as a radar engineer or “Lab Rad” at the USAF Rome Laboratory between 1985 to 1995.
After retiring as a Federal Engineer, Mr. Rudd always wanted to teach. So Mark served as a Sci&Tech Instructor at the King’s Co-Op since 2008, plus has been the Computer Tutor at the Tiverton Senior Center, both in Rhode Island.
To join the STARS Meeting at 7:00 pm just link your computer to https://zoom.us/j/231170127 Password: (email info@nescitech.org for password), or phone in: +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 231 170 127, Password: (email info@nescitech.org for password).