The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s April meeting is Thursday, April 21st at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell). Doors will open at 7:10 PM.
We will also “simulcast” this meeting via Zoom (contact K1BG for details), giving people who live outside the local area or who have concerns about meeting in person an opportunity to participate.
This month’s guest speaker will be Mike Murphy, WU2D, who will walk us through “Shortwave Dream Receivers of the 60s.”
For many of us, ham radio was an offshoot of an earlier budding radio hobby, specifically shortwave listening in the 1960s. It was the middle of the Cold War, and the bands were full of exciting signals. Even the marine frequencies between 2 and 3 MHz were busy back then. So as a kid, you no doubt had your eye on what would be called your Dream Receiver.
The hobby magazines were full of these shortwave sets, adorned with many shiny knobs and big slide rule dials. Of course obtaining such would cost many hours of mowing lawns, delivering papers and even pumping gas. And yes – begging, trading, threatening and pestering your parents were all part of the game.
Mike will walk us though those golden years by showing off some popular shortwave dream receivers of the late 50’s through about 1972. Don’t be surprised if you see your old Hallicrafters or Lafayette, or Heathkit receiver in this presentation.
Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A.”
Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Bruce, K1BG
978-772-2773 or
PS. Thanks to the Pepperell Community Center for the use of the building, and thanks to Jim Hein, N8VIM, and his employer, Medtronics, for the use of the Zoom account.