Randy will provide an overview of the variety of QSL cards used throughout the history of the ham radio hobby. This presentation will provide a visual feast ranging from fanciful illustrations, to home-made cards, to imaginative self-portraits of hams in their shacks. Additionally, given that Randy’s specialty is boat anchors, he will spend a little bit of time at the end of the presentation on boat anchor restoration, perhaps as a preview for a future presentation.
Bio: Randy has been fascinated with radio ever since he discovered an outdated copy of The Boy’s First Book of Radio and Electronics when he was in fourth grade. Perhaps that’s why he’s gravitated towards vintage rigs today. Life and career as a technical College Instructor and Administrator took priority, but finally that radio passion prevailed. Randy obtained his Technician license in 2013 and earned his Extra class license in 2016. Randy’s shack consists of a mixture of vintage Hallicrafters transmitter and receiver pairs and EF Johnson transmitters paired with National & Hammarlund receivers – sharing the shack with some current production equipment.
[For Zoom conference information, email Bob Phinney, K5TEC, at bobphinney -at- nescitech -dot- org or call 508-720-4179.]