Nico Bezzerides, KC1PNP, writes on the Sci-Tech ARS mailing list at 9:10 AM on August 7, 2022:
This is Nico B., KC1PNP. I’ve been an amateur radio operator for about a year and had my general ticket for about 10 months now.
I recently got the opportunity, due to some very generously donated equipment from Bruce Tinkler N9JBT, to operate at the Bug Light lighthouse (USA 1235) up in Maine today for the National Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend. I’m very excited about it!
If we manage to get over there safely (I’m on an island, and the water looks a bit rough today w/ higher winds), then I’ll be operating QRP SSB from there from about 10am onwards, EST. If you hear me (I’ll probably be on the upper end of the 20m band most of the time, please work me! It would be great to make some contacts with STARS members.
Hope to see you on the air!