During last weekend's Dayton Hamvention, there were 13 Section Managers who attended a SM only meeting to exchange ideas and problems. We did this last year and it was repeated at the Dallas national convention. Our meeting area was cramped and noisy but it was a successful. We even had visits from President Haynie, W5JBP, and Director Coy Day, N5OK, who heads the Board of Director's finance committee. Both were invited to join us at the end and both were very glad to do so. Next year, the SM of Ohio, (because of the noisy conditions, the SMs did not award him any gift) will have to get a quiet room to meet. Below are the minutes. Joe Phillips, K8QOE Section Managers Dayton Meeting May 15, 2004, 2 p.m. Attending: Joe Phillips, K8QOE, OHIO; Sherri Brower, W4STB, SFL; John Thompson, WB5SYT, OK; Rich Beebe, N0PV, SD; Jim Boehner, N2ZZ, SC; Dale Williams, WA8EFK, MI; Phil Temples, K9HI, EMA; Glenn Thomas, WB6W, SCV; Dale Bagley, K0KY; Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, AL; Malcolm Keown, W5XX, MS; Larry Marshall, WB4NCW, TN; Tom Abernethy, W3TOM, MD/DC. Introductions Mr. Keown asked we discuss BOD requests (by VRC) that we address the SM turnover, qualifications of SMs. Discussion Ms. Brower suggested we expand the discussion to BOD suggestions we meet annually with all appointments, develop job descriptions, etc. General comments that we all do this with main cabinet appointments (green badge) but not practical for all appointments. Cabinet officers should be working with other appointments in their area. Ms. Brower updates us on the PR committee suggestions. Grassroots BPL package was explained. Bigger push on the speakers bureau being established in all sections. But expanded to include approaching all groups in your area (Rotary, school groups, etc.) : not just ham radio organizations. PR committee has instructions on how to get a speakers bureau for your section. Mr. Thompson reinforced the notion that SMs take the Level 1-3 courses on-line - at least Level one. Get the Course material (Book is $10) and read it. Mr. Phillips said the emergency courses, great as they are, have a downside in that occasionally graduates cause problems in local counties - take course suggestions too literally and use course material to argue with the emergency coordinator (EC). How each EC reacts is a test of leadership. Mr. Abernethy suggested Section Managers take a long hard look at Winlink and the notion of traffic handling digitally. Said the National Traffic System (NTS) is on board and it is part of the BOD directive that traffic handling be linked to the emergency response plan of all sections. Mr. Phillips requested permission to invite President Jim Haynie to join us. Agreement. President Haynie described the SM role as the League's "front line people" to the membership. Described his schedule next week at the White House and other travels fighting BPL. A new video, like the Walter Cronkite "Amateur Radio Today" will be made about lobbying efforts by ARRL and our representation in Washington. Told us to "stay calm and collected" in arguments on BPL and get our sections to follow our leadership. Mr. Haynie then asked what would Section Managers do if section budgets were doubled. Suggestions ranged from making more club and hamfest visits to establishing sub budgets for cabinet members (green badge). Mr. Phillips asked since Federal reimbursements for on-line emergency courses was about to expire, what next? Mr. Haynie said Development Office at Newington is working right now on new funding. Ms. Bower told group that Development Office (Mary Hobart, K1MMH) has special fund from an anonymous donor (not widely known) for paying dues of valuable section officers who may be in hard economic times temporary due to the weak economy. Mr. Haynie asked if he could have West Gulf Division Director Coy Day, N5OK, talk to us about ARRL finances. Granted. Mr. Day explained League finances (in deficit last two years) and listened to SM suggestions. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Phillips asked Mr. Day to look into the possibility of ARRL databases (on-line graduates list - affiliated clubs lists) now available to Section Managers be also available to Section cabinet members of the SM's choosing. Mr. Day promised to check into this with ARRL Headquarters. Adjourned.