Notices And Upcoming Club Activities
Please note that the April 15 meeting will take place at Warren Park
Warren Park (building) Room 008-Basement
90 Washington St.
Wellesley, MA 02481
April POTA
Description: WARS members and friends are invited to participate in a POTA
Where: Elm Bank Reservation, 900 Washington St., Wellesley, MA
Park in the first parking area after the road turns left and crests the hill
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Talk-in frequency: 146.58 MHz simplex (range about 2 miles)
About Us
Founded in 1950, the Wellesley Amateur Radio Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Amateur Radio through instruction, fellowship, public service and encouragement of participation. The Club year runs from September through August.
Meetings | Directions
We generally meet on the third Tuesday of the month (except for our summer hiatus in July and August) at 7:30 PM in the Kingsbury Room of the Wellesley Police Station, 485 Washington St. (Rte 16), in Wellesley. Please park on the street. We also stream our meetings on Zoom. Guests are always welcome!
Repeaters | Club Station
The Society maintains the club call sign W1TKZ along with a linked repeater system:
- 147.030 MHz +600 kHz (PL tone 123 Hz, also Yaesu Fusion C4FM)
- 444.600 MHz +5 MHz (PL tone 88.5 Hz) Please note that the 70cm repeater is under maintenance in preparation for the 2025 Boston Marathon
All hams are welcome to check into the Wellesley Amateur Radio Society Net on Wednesday evenings at 8 PM on the W1TKZ repeater, 147.030 MHz +600 kHz (PL tone 123 Hz) linked to the W1TKZ repeater on 444.600 MHz +5 MHz (PL tone 88.5 Hz).
The Wellesley Amateur Radio Society participates each year in the ARRL Field Day at the Needham War Memorial Park Gazebo.
The Spark Gap Newsletter
The Spark Gap Newsletter is edited by Leandra MacLennan, AF1R.
The Spark Gap newsletter archives are viewable by the public. Recent issues of The Spark Gap and other club documents can be found on our Members Only page.
Membership | Join Us
Annual memberships in the Society are:
- Individual – $40.00
- Family – $45.00
- Legally blind – $5.00
Download our membership form.
Contact Us
For more information about the Society, please write to:
The Wellesley Amateur Radio Society
P.O. Box 812223
Wellesley, MA 02482-0015
Or, email WARS president Charlie Bures, WA3ITR, at c.bures (at)