Licensing, Education & Training

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Bruce Blain, K1BG
40 Blanchard Road
Harvard, MA 01451



There are many opportunities for individuals to study either individually or collectively to earn their Amateur license or improve their knowledge of the hobby-service. The ARRL provides various books and study materials for purchase on the ARRL Store.

Licensing Classes

Many ARRL affiliated clubs in Eastern Massachusetts conduct licensing classes and study sessions. You can find information about classes in your area on the ARRL Headquarters web site, the Eastern MA Class List, and on individual radio club web sites.

Volunteer Exam Sessions

ARRL-sponsored Volunteer Exam teams administer FCC sanctioned examinations all across the section. Individuals can qualify to become certified Volunteer Examiners by taking a simple “open book” test

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many teams now conduct remote examinations over the internet. For a current schedule, visit

Continuing Education Courses

The League also offers individuals the opportunity to improve their knowledge of Amateur Radio through continuing education courses.

Introduction to Emergency Communication (EC-001)

This course is designed to provide basic knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer. The course has 6 sections with 28 lesson topics. It includes required student activities, a 35-question final assessment and is expected to take approximately 45 hours to complete over a 9-week period. You will have access to the course platform at any time of day during this 9-week period so you may work according to your own schedule.

Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs (EC-016)

This course is designed to train licensed Amateur Radio operators who will be in leadership and managerial roles organizing other volunteers to support public service activities and communications emergencies. In this course you will learn how radio amateurs prepare and organize to support local community events, and, working in coordination with governmental and other emergency response organizations, deploy their services to provide communications when needed in an emergency. This course is made available on our Web site to all ARRL members. It is a self-study course that you may complete at your own pace. 

Public Relations 101 for Radio Amateurs (PR-101)

PR-101: Public Relations 101 for Radio Amateurs, is designed to give hams a quick overview in public relations activities. It uses the skills of experts in various aspects of public relations to provide volunteer Public Information Officers with the basic skills and expectations that a PIO needs to know to be effective in their home region. PR-101 covers everything from the basic news release to Web sites and video work.


Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology

As part of its educational outreach through the Education & Technology Program (ETP), ARRL will sponsors Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology sessions.  The week-long Teachers Institute (TI) is an expenses-paid, professional development seminar that provides teachers at all grade levels with tools and strategies to introduce basic electronics, radio science, space technology, and satellite communication, as well as weather science, introduction to micro-controllers, and basic robotics in their classrooms. The Teachers Institute curriculum is designed for motivated teachers and other school staff who want to learn more about wireless technology and bring that knowledge to their students.

ARES® Training

The Eastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) offers training periodically for individuals who wish to improve their emergency communications skills.

Convention Seminars and Workshops

Opportunities exist to learn about a wide variety of topics and subject matters at seminars, presentations, and workshops at local and national hamfests and conventions.

The Northeast HamXposition @ Marlborough (a.k.a. New England Division Convention) and bi-annual NEAR-Fest in Deerfield, New Hampshire are two such venues.

Contest Training

The Yankee Clipper Contest Club periodically offers its “Contest University” at locations throughout New England, where  top contesters are “on hand as ‘Professors’ to share their tips, secrets, and words of wisdom on Contesting. Learn the winning strategies from the winners.”

SKYWARN Training

SKYWARN training classes are offered on a regular basis throughout southern New England by employees of the National Weather Service forecasters and trained SKYWARN volunteers. For a current schedule, visit <>.  

See Also

Practice Exams:  ❖  HamTestOnline

On-line Learning:  Intro to Ham Radio & Technician Training Class ❖  Ham Radio  ❖  Ham

VE Resources: On-line ARRL VE Manual