Jon McCombie, N1ILZ
75 Northwest St
Eastham, MA, 02642-2698
Tel: (508) 246-4982
Local and regional operational activities of the American Radio Relay League are carried out through its Field Organization. The organization divides the 15 Divisions into 71 separate geographic regions called Sections. Each Section has a similar team of one elected, volunteer Section Manager and several volunteer positions. Section Managers are elected by the members living within the section for a two-year term. The Section Manager appoints a team of volunteers. A Section Manager may optionally appoint one or more Assistant Section Managers.
For each of the section’s activities, the Section Manager appoints individuals to oversee the activities. These individuals are collectively referred to as the cabinet.
Cabinet positions include:
- Assistant Section Managers
- Affiliated Club Coordinator
- Public Information Coordinator
- Section Emergency Coordinator
- Section Traffic Manager
- Assistant Section Traffic Managers
- Section Youth Coordinator
- State Government Liaison
- Technical Coordinator
The Section Manager also appoints volunteers to serve within these program areas. The volunteers in any given Section serve at the pleasure of the Section Manager. The Section Manager also assists members with questions, issues or problems dealing with the organization’s products and services; maintains liaison with the frequency coordinating body in the jurisdiction; maintains a relationship with the local field office of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and maintains communications with members in the section via email bulletins, web pages, and personal visits to Amateur Radio club meetings, hamfests and conventions.
There are currently 71 sections in the ARRL.
An Affiliated Club Coordinator is the assistant to the Section Manager for radio club matters. One ACC is appointed in each section by the Section Manager to encourage club affiliation with the national organization on a section-wide basis.
The Section Traffic Manager is appointed by the Section Manager to supervise and coordinate traffic handling efforts within the National Traffic System and the section.
The Section Emergency Coordinator is the assistant to the Section Manager for amateur radio emergency communications preparedness. The SEC is appointed by the Section Manager.
[Source: Wikipedia]Section Leadership
In the Eastern Massachusetts section, the following individuals are appointed by the Section Manager and comprise the cabinet. They help lead the field organization:
- Section Manager: Jon McCombie, N1ILZ
- Assistant Section Managers:
- Bruce Blain, K1BG
- Rob Leiden, K1UI
- Stu Solomon, W1SHS
- Bruce Tinkler, N9JBT
- Tom Walsh, K1TW
- Affiliated Club Coordinator: Bruce Blain, K1BG
- Public Information Coordinator: unassigned
- Section Emergency Coordinator: Rob Macedo, KD1CY
- Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators:
- Michael Leger, N1YLQ
- Stu Solomon, W1SHS
- State Governmental Liaison: Steve Berian, KC1KEZ
- Section Traffic Manager: Marcia Forde, KW1U
- Assistant Section Traffic Managers
- Section Youth Coordinator: unassigned
- Technical Coordinator: Dan Brown, W1DAN
The cabinet meets periodically in person to discuss section matters. They also stay in communication on-air and via an email reflector. The cabinet members send monthly reports to the Section Manager for inclusion in the monthly section news reports.
See Also
Appointment Descriptions: Section Manager (SM) ❖ Assistant Section Manager (ASM) ❖ Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) ❖ Public Information Coordinator (PIC) ❖ Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) ❖ Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator (ASEC) ❖ State Government Liaison (SGL) ❖ Section Traffic Manager (STM) ❖ Assistant Section Traffic Manager (ASTM) ❖ Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) ❖ Technical Coordinator (TC)