Sections in this Page: History
Acknowledgment §
Updates §
Maps legend &
sources §
Note To Club
Officers & FD Chairs
Pages in FD web: EMA FD Home!
§ Directory!
Site List
Tour Plans
§ FD and ICS/NIMS !
§ FD Planning,Rules, Scoring, & ARES
§ Safety:
Safety Officer, Lightning, Heat, Resources!
§ EMA FD History 1999-2023
About (Notes, Credits)
Up: EMA Home §
EMA ARES has continued an EMA tradition of touring Club Field Day sites in the Class A encampments (and lately Class F EOC's too) in the Section since 1999. Senior ARES leadership & staff participate, both to encourage the drill&demonstration aspect of Field Day and to meet&greet. In this undertaking, ARES joined with the longer tradition of (then) NE Div Director Tom K1KI and ViceDir Mike K1TWF and (then) EMA SM Phil K9HI and his ASM's, who had an unofficial most miles contest, which we can rarely top within one section! Many Directors and SMs, have continued the tradition, along with some ASM, ACC, DEC, even sometimes STM.
In support of these touring leadership & staff, since 1999 EMA ARES has maintained a section Field Day Directory that is also usable by hams or the public seeking a FD near them. Since 2003 this has been hosted on the EMA Section web as a distinct section. Planned tours are collected to encourage complete coverage. The plan map can help identify opportunities to pick up one more on the way by -- with a goal of at least evey affiliated club, preferably every club, getting at least one visit - especially if missed last year, or a new site/club. This is a great opportunity to pitch ARRL Affiliation (or SSC) to a club. Staff in residence at their club's FD operation have been included in the Tour Plan. Staff home base(s) and itineraries are color coded by ARRL standard badge colors (with a little extra shading for differentiation).
The interactive Directory is at , which includes explanatory information, safety hints, and commentary on possible ARES roles in Field Day.
Prior years tour plan/results are logged in the History section - e.g. 2006
Staff who might be Section Tourists or Staff in residence this year are plotted at .
Changes to both FD site data and Touring Staff status can be directed to the Directory Editor n1vux(at) via email.
A tabular form suitable for downloading to print offline (for reference driving or for loading GPS waypoints) is included under the Site List: Details (Lat,Lon) Option.
This page was originally prepared as a private page for the Field Day 1999 Section Staff Tour at It was revived for 2001 and 2002 at the now defunct website. After the closure of that site, it was revived again for FD2003 with PHP technology at and is now being being updated for FD2024.
One might wonder why we persist in having a Section Directory now that ARRL HQ has a self-serve National Locator.
We do think it is good to have a Club's FD site on both our EMA Directory and the National Locator, as the audience and richness of content are both different.
While a candidate-GOTA-operator might find our directory, they're much more likely to find a club to visit via the HQ Locator.
Our Section directory provides additional site information for convenience of Division and Section ARRL leadership touring and also collects Section History . The amount of information collected here would be untenable for a National directory; and Contest Branch maintains a rather different slice of Historic collections, due to their mission; they don't remember where a pin was last year, so there's only a narrow window of time when one can compare the typically November QST FD Results article score claimed with the pin location. After that, it's just a club name, callsign, Section. Class F would indicate some civic structure, Class A some park or similar, but could be anywhere within the Section. This directory maintains that memory, and collects any additional memories of historic Field Days from days gone by that are shared with us.
Thanks to K9HI, KB1CVH, N1XTB, N1UEC for Unix sys-admin support & hosting over the decades.
Any notes on site changes for FD2024 would be appreciated. Updates on club email and www contacts also appreciated -- only for non-ARRL affiliates -- see note to club officers below. - n1vux]
Added Why Continue? section above.
FD@Home scores provided automatic rollup in ClubDetail pages.
2023 Scores downloaded, filtered, loaded.
2024 Logo, 25th Annual, 2024 in headers etc
2023 Logo, 24th Annual.
2022 EMA Scores posted. (CSVs available again, maybe Treemap will catch up!?)
Site statuses updated to Friday 6/24. GPS files generated.
All sites reset to MAYBE if active last year, NO if not. First two HQ Locator pins upgraded to YES.
2021 Tour posted to History section.
2022 dates, logo, copyright, 23rd Annual posted.
2021 EMA Scores posted. Alas CSV no longer available for FD so no further Treemap updates. .
2020 non-Tour history posted.
FD@Home Club-referenced D,E stations included and sub-totaled.
2021 dates and logos posted.
2020 EMA Scores posted .
No tour plans, no tours during COVID-19. Most clubs took advantage of FD@Home; several reduced, socially distant Class A ops.
2019 Tour, csv, kml posted in history.
2019 sites set as Likely/Expected for 2020; initial RSVPs from club websites and HQ Locator.
2020 dates and logos posted.
2019 EMA Scores posted; 2019 added to treemap analysis.
CSV and filtered history map links added to History index.
2019 is the 20th edition of the EMA FD Directory; 20 of 21 years since 1999.
Field Day landing page, ICS/NIMS, and Scoring pages moved into WordPerfect with 200% PNGs.
BARC Archive FD pages loaded.
2018 EMA scores posted; added to treemap analysis.
Updating PHP to PHP7 for move to new QTH hosting of EMA.ARES (post FD).
2018 Club/Site plans and touring staff plans updated.
Initiated 2018 coverage by updating headlines and resetting all recent sites to MAYBE; 2018 logos added on release.
2017 scoresanalysis charts posted for TreeMap analysis.
Bugfixes regarding firmer PHP syntax.
Changed NTS information from static text email on how to handle NTS formal traffic to link NTS.EMA.ARRL article being maintained by EMA NTS team.
Added Class A..E and Section-Category within Division to Analysis chart options, all years.
Initiated 2017 coverage by updating headlines and resetting all recent sites to MAYBE.
2016 scoresanalysis charts posted for TreeMap analysis.
Initiated 2016 coverage by resetting all recent sites to MAYBE.
Added FD 2016 logo (partly)
Posted 2015 tours to tour history page
2015 analysis charts posted for TreeMap analysis.
Initiated 2015 coverage by resetting all recent sites to MAYBE.
Added FD 2015 logo
Posted 2014 tours to tour history page
2014 analysis charts posted for TreeMap analysis.
Initiated 2014 coverage.
2013 analysis charts posted for TreeMap analysis.
Added statistical Power-vs-QSOs analysis, built with R.
Added FD 2014 logo (paired with ARRL100 logo)
Changes for 2011-2013 may be backfilled from change logs but not much format wise.
Posted EMA Field Day scores and nationwide graphical analysis
posted 2010 Tour results
Added 2009 to tour history to prepare for 2010 tour and analysis pages.
US Census Tiger maps taken offline in late May 2009. The resulting 404 image load not only blocked the noscript fallback embedded site maps, it also bypassed the onload= javascript hook to load the OpenLayers OSM/TopOSM slippymap.
ARRL HQ web has rationalized URLs without providing 301 redirects, so updating all references to locator.php to new url. *sigh* It looks nice, but why do they break links? Their google page rank will plummet. Wonder if links into Soapbox are broken too?
Updating Harbor Defence/Nike Field Day page.
Started getting Confirmations.
Reset all previous sites to Likely.
2010 updates start with posting 2009 reported scores, and date on front page.
Default choice for slippy map is TopOSM CC-BY-SA, Thanks Lars!
Now with Web 2.0 Tags so Sites may be searched not only by (lack of) use, county, or club but now by thematic similarity. The initial Tag cloud is as follows.
Reset tour.php to 2009 staff and initial plans.
Prior Year 2008 tours moved to tour history pages preparatory to compiling 2009 tours.
New maps on Directory main page are now color coded, matching colors for text list markers ! yes ? maybe X no
Site History Map - the cumulative historic site map to complement our historic tables and per year maps -- all sites used or even discussed in the last 12+ years on one map -- was the prototype for front page map color code.
It's even filterable for past/current/never/maybe.
It shows three of four outlier operations by EMA clubs too ...
Switched maps for users with JavaScript to OpenLayers interactive with Data from OpenStreetMap and Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS), Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. Directory main page map will zoom when a single county list is selected. The (+] control selects basemaps, CycleMap gives us a Topographic option again, and the TopOSM project gives us another to link from Site Detail pages. These maps are automatically up to date, but are not color coded for confirmed or highlights yet
Users without JavaStript will continue to get the old maps, which are updated semi-automatically irregularly.
Changes for 2009 - Initially the date on front page, posted 2008 to History section. 2008 scores and pictures/Soapbox already posted.
from to, with forwarding, as part of parent site Drupal conversion.
Additional page on Harbor Defence-related Field Day sites, as a result of my cross-over history hobby. The Coast Artillery Corps was the Homeland Defense for the ports the Navy cared about between "Civil" and "Cold" Wars -- they were charged with putting holes in (other countries') Navy vessels that got too darn close. They also handled moored mines until 1942. Also included are Nike missile sites and a few other forts/ex-forts noted with Field Day ops.
Changes for 2008 have begun. Initially the date on front page, posted 2007 to History section. 2007 scores already posted, 2007 pictures/Soapbox already posted.
Maps, Tour reset to likely (see Historical section for priors). NEDiv page links the "Site Locator" for current data.
Clubs marked on the "Site Locator" are shown as Confirmed and have ArrlLocator Link on theSiteDetail page, which link may lead to more up to date talk-in/contact info.
ARRL Affiliated Clubs listed as Inactive are so noted; expired SSC status so noted.
Embedded map on SiteDetail page (formerly c/o Tiger, US Census Dept. which is offline as of May 2009; now c/o TopOSM CC-BY-SA,which uses OSM and MASSgis)
Most site specific data only on SiteDetail, Site references on Club pages now link.
Historical score graphical treemap analysis expanded to 2005-2007.
Exactly how this detailed historical archive will coexist with the new, sparse "Site Locator" is TBD.
Initially the date on front page, posted 2006 to History section. 2006 scores already posted, 2006 pictures/Soapbox already posted. Safety section moved to subfolder, sorry for any broken deep links.
KC1US updated his KC1US Field Day Safety Officers memo.
2006 Score Analysis added to history section late in year.
Sites page sortable by County etc.
Main directory page sort/select options enhanced.
FD AND ICS updated for 2005 . Now ICS and Safety pages link the new KC1US Field Day Safety Officers memo, and additional weather safety tips on Safety page (thanks to KC1US, Kentucky Section, NWS/Skywarn).
Tour Planning now has copy of Directory page's alternate site lists, in addition to staff itinerary map and list; with map Hover text (alt text tags) for Staff bases and out-of-section/alternate sites. Tour map has alternate map links for NE Div and Land-use IRsat background, with NE Div 2004 sites listed.
2004 & 1999 Scores posted! as reported by ARRL Contest branch; Clubs which didn't submit scores to ARRL are invited to send claimed scores to this website.
ARRL Affiliate clubs' contact information now updatable on ARRL HQ web, so no longer mirrored here.
ARRL FD Information & Rules for 2005 posted , & commentary revised and updated for 2005 rules.
See club officer information on how to help update this site with your club's 2005 plans.
Added History and Weather Safety in 2004, with graphical Logo and Map history menu for 2005.
all email addresses in notes from spamable to less spamable
"x (at)" --
I make it "x (nospam) y (dot) com" ?
After the closure of the site, the Directory and Tour page was revived again for FD2003 with PHP technology at
Second and then third now annual editions, using Perl and JHUAPL maps at the now defunct website.
The page was in abeyayance for planning purposes, but History Section has retro data.
private page for the Field Day 1999 Section Staff Tour plan at, using collage of MapQuest
Click a club in menu or summary map to go to their details, which include links to Topo and street maps. Hover over an icon to see what it is.
Map Legend for the static and historic maps
Antenna Tower: Field Day site.
Circle: highlighted FD Sites are shown with a
circle (solid, or outlining a Square).
This highlights New Participants and New Sites -- or (latest) confirmations. Reason(s) for highlights are included in the "hover text" / alt-tag.
O Green (go) High prirority to visit -- Confirmed and New/changed location, or new team, or back from hiatus, or missed by staff last year.
O Yellow Confirmed -- visited last year.
O Red Not visited last year, not yet confirmed. Hover to see why. Good to visit, if active.
Squares: A square is a staff base QTH,
either home or FD if with red tower; labeled with callsign to upper
color means touring, should have line of same color going out.
center means not known to be touring FD sites (will be removed
if you say you're not touring, will change to solid color if
you give me plans).
are by ARRL Badge scheme (modified for distinguishing a bit): Red,
Elected SM or Other Section, or VDir (BrickRed).
Green, ASM and other
Cabinet appointees w/o specific colors. (Dark Green for ACC.) Orange
for SEC/DEC (Dark Orange, DEC/EC/EOC;
Light Orange, SEC).
Note on location: Note on location: Field Day sites are plotted on as exact a WGS84/NAD83 Lat-lon (NAD27 if from Topo) as is available. Home QTHs for staff are usually plotted at the center of 6-char Grid-Square (e.g., FN42ho) computed from FCC mailing address or QRZ listing, rather than a Lat-Lon from an exact street address, for minor privacy. QTHs are sometimes plotted on 8-char MH Grid square center for perturbation, but it's not the real value. NWS WFOs, Non-FD EOCs, and out of area FD sites will be 6-char or 8-char Grid-Squars per available precision.
In the menu, Clubs with "!" are confirmed, or "+"/"@" are (usually or confirmed) with another club. ARRL Affiliates and Special Service Clubs are denoted by * and ** respectively.
Most Lat/Long coords by now WGS84/NAD83 Lat/Lon (native mode for GPSs), but some may still be either Topo NAD27 or unknown. This site mostly uses Decimal degrees, with West being Negative.
Updates to n1vux
Overview basemap from Color Landform Atlas of the States which are Copyright by and used by special permission of Ray Sterner, JHU/APL.
Overview data overlay coded in Perl with Lincoln Stein's and the libgd library.
Street Address to Latitude/Longitude conversion by (new 2004).
Street Maps links and embeded maps (new 2008) courtesy of OpenStreet Map project OSM.ORG and TOPOSM.ORG which use MASSgis data, using the OpenLayers slippymap JS lib; also US Census Bureau Tiger (new 2005,dropped 2009 since Offline) and/or GoogleMaps (new 2005, JavaScript & recent browser required; with Keyhole satellite photography as well!).
Topomap links courtesy of Topozone.
GridSquare conversion: Links to Inline conversion Lat-Lon->Maidenhead by Perl or PHP -- I transliterated Matti Aarnio - OH2MQK's PHP toolkit into normal Perl. (Simple really)
Graphical analytics using and XML::Simple, by N1VUX, EMA Field Day Directory editor, as documented at the Perl Advent Calendar.
Please review the information I have on your radio club on the EMA ARRL Field Day website. In particular, please
Note if your current site is correctly described.
Proof read the driving directions (which the EMA SM or his Staff and possibly the NE Div staff will you to find your site, along with maps based on Lat-Long)
Click the Topo link if your listing has one to check the Lat-Long pos. If the Red Cross doesn't come up exactly on your site (unlikely unless we nailed it last year), please click on your exact site on the topo map and mail me back the URL of the topo when you've got the red-cross just where you want it.
If your site doesn't have a Topo link, you can give me the street address and which side of the building / parking lot, or you can browse around on or or any similar mapping program and mail me the URL. Or read the Lat-Lon off your GPS or Map. (You can right-click WHATS HERE in G-maps and click the lower popup's Lat-Lon.)
This website is no longer tracking official club contact information for ARRL Affiliate clubs. You can now make those corrections online. The EMA FD website would like updates for club FD contacts, and contact info for non-Affiliated clubs (although we'd encourage you to become Affiliated Clubs of course!).
If you will have special technology demonstrations or modes (PSK31, Satellite, ...), you can note that.
Bill Ricker N1VUX
Pages in FD web: EMA FD Home!
§ Directory!
Site List
Tour Plans
§ FD and ICS/NIMS !
§ FD Planning,Rules, Scoring, & ARES
§ Safety:
Safety Officer, Lightning, Heat, Resources!
§ EMA FD History 1999-2023
About (Notes, Credits)
Up: EMA Home §
Copyright © Eastern Massachusetts ARRL 1998-2024. Responsibility for content of all posted material above rests exclusively with the site authors. ARRL staff assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, and accuracy of items appearing on this page. All questions and comments should be directed to the item author.