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Tom Frenaye K1KI (NE Div. Director)
Usually tours one or more NE sections, has toured RI + SE MA (EMA), CT, WMA, EMA, and VT in the past.
2017 Plan - Looks like I'll be doing an EMA tour and maybe northern RI this year.
K1TWF says he plans to do southern NH and southern ME, plus operate at the Billerica FD effort.
I'm not set up for mobile operation any more.
2017 Actual
I hit a dozen Field Day sites in RI and EMA on Saturday - drove 350 miles.
The day started with no rain in Suffield, then sprinkles in Hartford led to downpours in SE CT and RI, ended with a beautiful day.
1) KC1CUE - Coventry RI EMA KC1BRV N1YNI and others
2) WA1USA - RICOMU/RIEMA - Fire station in Foster RI. Door open, no one home, left QSL card...
3) W1DDD - Blackstone Valley ARC - North Scituate, NA1Q and a dozen others, nice location behind senior center
4) KE1S - CTRI Contest Group - North Scituate W1XX K1VSJ K1SD KS1J K3IU and others. Serious 3A-QRP group
5) K1OS - Ocean State AR Group - AA1VU N1YKH K1YKH and many others. Big feast for lunch, at Providence EOC.
6) W1AQ - ARA Southern New England - Drove through Slater Park in Pawtucket multiple times but couldn't find them.
7) W1SMH - Sturdy Memorial Hospital - Drove through WW1 Memorial Park a couple of times but couldn't find them.
8) NI1X - Whitman ARC - outside of YMCA in East Bridgewater, WK1D N1VH N1EZH W1VU, others
9) N1ERC - Northeast ARC - beautiful location in Scituate on bluff overlooking ocean w/Provincetown visible in the distance.
10) W1BOS - Boston ARC - at fire museum in Hingham. A dozen people with N1QD KB1EKN.
11) W1CLA - Clay Center ARC - at Dexter Southfield School. Twenty kids and mentors led by KC1CWF with K5TEC advisor.
Managed to get lost in both Providence and Boston so I must be doing something right...
Drove home after sunset.
To see rest of New England on a map, see the ARRL HQ National FD Locator, or NE Div alternative map or in History.
Mike Raisbeck K1TWF (NE Div. Vice Director)
Formerly toured the EMA and adjacent northern VT NH ME sections in W1-land, but spent 2008-2009 in K7-land on FD. :-( Returned to W1 in 2010, touring Vermont. 2014-2016, President of BARS, so presiding over their FD.
2017 Vice Director Mike, K1TWF, and assistant Vice Directer Archie, K9DOG, set out on Saturday morning from the home of Nan, NK1A, which also served as the Billerica ARS Field Day site, having spent the morning hoisting antennas and powering up rigs. QRP, solar power.
1) WS1SM - Wireless Society of Southern Maine, Scarborough, ME. A nice FD operation on the shores of a pond in a park inhabited by all sorts of people out enjoying the day. When we got there a few of the team were having lunch. Archie applied the big brown eye treatment to a 40-ish woman and was rewarded with several small pieces of her Italian sub. Next to the FD site there was a small field dog show going on. Archie enjoyed that. I chatted with the 10 or so hams. Apparently they have been using this site for several years, setting up a couple of tents, a trailer, and a tribander. We got our pictures taken
2) N1QX - New England Radio Discussion Society, Kennebunk, ME. This was a crew of 7 or 8, set up behind a small charter school. Apparently they have a good relation with this school, and use the venue for their meetings. Archie found 2 nice young kids (7 or 8 years old, and played with them. I looked over their solar setup and their small ladder-line fed wire antenna. Much fun was observed to be going on.
3) NOT W1FZ, Great Bay RA, Dover, NH. Archie and I drove down some back roads to get to Dover. In the middle of several of the towns strawberry festivals were going on. Somehow we got off track and went out the wrong side of Dover center. Never did find the GBRA site, though I've been there in past years. Oh well.
4) N1QC - Granite State ARA, Bedford NH. We took 101 half way across NH and landed at the GSARA site. I've been there many times. They run 2 or 3 A. The operating room is a very nice log shack associated with the park at this location. All the amenities - decent bathrooms included. We got our pictures taken, and someone offered Archie a bowl of water, which he lapped up in a seconds.
5) NF1D - Nashua RC, Hollis NH. These guys used to run things like 27A. They've scaled back to 7A. A very nice site behind the Hollis high school. Several of the WRTC antenna setups were in evidence. I had a brownie, and Archie sniffed the dormant grill very carefully.
6) W1HH - Billerica ARS, Chelmsford, MA. Back to home base for dinner, German sausages from Karl's Sausage Kitchen up in Peabody, MA. The crew, about 15, feasted on real German sausage, burgers, potato salad, and chips. For some unexplained reason the EMA SM, Tom, K1TW, likes "Cheese Doodles", so there where little orange puffs all over the place, too. Archie lay under the tables like those hounds in the great hall of the castle as depicted in medieval tapestries, waiting for tasty morsels to escape. They never hit the ground.
Day 1 - 6 visits, 248 miles [ME & NH Sections]
7) N1NC - Nashoba Valey ARC, Pepperell, MA. I got up before breakfast to go visit these guys. Archie stayed with Nan to "help" her prepare breakfast for the crew. Had a nice chat with Bruce. We'll try to get him a slot in the Boxboro program to talk about the entry license stuff. He's pretty passionate about it. Headed back to home base for breakfast with the crew.
8) NS1RA - North Shore RA, Danvers, MA. Archie and I head next to the NSRA. They have a very nice venue in a beautiful park in Danvers. Not sure what category they were running, but there was plenty of activity. Archie made some new friends, and I chatted a bit with an old one, Al, W1DUW.
9) W1HP - Philips RC, Andover, MA. I stopped back at home base to pick up Nan, NK1A, and the three of us went over to see some friends at the Philips Medical systems operation in Andover. Most of the club is retired, and it's a struggle to keep it going, but they had a trailer and tribander, and were having a good time. Archie sniffed all around.
10) W1CLA - Clay Center ARC, Brookline, MA. We stopped in to see the wiz-kids. Archie played with the kids, and I chatted for a while with Bob Phinney, who, in addition to running the Clay Center club, is also part of the Boxboro team. Bob is cooking up the youth program for Boxboro. Someone also mentioned that this ham from CT had been there the day before ...
11) K1IG - Police Amateur Radio Team (PART), Concord, MA. These guys always have a big operation. Their site, the Concord Rod and Gun Club, is marvelous - a big building for all the centralized things (they put on a very big feed) and tents all over the place. Nan and I chatted for a while with Andy, KB1OIQ. Archie decided to dig a hole in the dirt. Then back to W1HH for takedown.
Day 2 - 5 visits, 192 miles [EMA Section]
Total 11 site visits (well, 10 not counting GBRA), 440 miles
Tom Walsh, K1TW (EMA Section Manager)
Traditionally the SM tours EMA.
For fully list of Section staff see the homepage.
Dan Brown W1DAN (TC)
regularly - organizes and operates Wellesley in Needham.
Bill Ricker N1VUX (this Directory Editor)
previously toured as DEC Boston, DEC Training -- it was the 1999 ARES Revival FD tour that launched this Directory..
Wellesley ARS WARS, which dedicated the weekend to memory Jack Logan, N1TPU/sk, who'd run Needham ARA co-sponsor and developed and managed the park they use for the Town of Needham Parks Dept.
Quannapowitt RA (QR)A activated a former NIKE air-defense missile site #CAC) hill-top park, Overlook Park / Winn Hill / Burlington (with a community theater as building reuse) for a serious field-deployed contest station.
Middleton EMA had a new location for their mobile comms pickup, the parking lot across the street from Richardson's Ice Cream, a dairy with real cows and mini-golf too. Great stop for a hot Field Day.
North Shore RA, Danvers. Found Rob KD1CY/ASEC/SKYWARN and Mike Corey, KI1U, ARRL HQ Emergency Preparedness Manager, hanging out with Jim KB1KQW/DEC.
Cape Anne ARA, Gloucester. Great visit, nice little radio museum. (Also looked for a non-club station near by, no luck.)
W1BOS - Boston ARC at Bare Cove Fire Museum, Hingham.
N1ERC - Northeast ARC at USAF Fourth Cliff Campground, Humarock, a former Coast and Air Defense site (#CAC)
Marek Kozubal KB1NCG ( SEC )
2017 - I'm going to try to hit Waltham [WARA64], PART, North Shore/Danvers, Marlborough, and Lou's setup at the airport [ NARC at 1B9]. I'll probably try others that are near those as well.
I know Waltham is only operating Saturday till 6 so that'll be one of the first ones I hit.
As DEC-Metro-Boston, usually helped Clay Center set up.
2014 - At the Clay Center field day in Brookline all weekend. First year without Waltham ARC on-site also.
Sometimes operates at Acushnet EOC, or handles SKYWARN issues at NWS BOX, with touring as available.
2017 - Rob joined Mike Corey, KI1U, ARRL HQ Emergency Preparedness Manager, at NSRA Danvers Mike KI1U authored "Applying the Lessons of Field Day All Year Long" in September 2017 QST.
2012 - Operated WX1BOX in Class F between SKYWARN actications at NWS BOX.
Michael Leger, N1YLQ ( ASEC:RACES Region 2 & (DEC:Bristol Co)
Steve Schwarm, W3EVE (DEC: Field Ops & Norfolk Co)
Usually tours, sometimes only one day in and around Norfolk County, e.g., Norwood, Sturdy , MITRE/BARS, or Wellesley .
2014 - Plan on visiting several sites on Saturday near home in Wrentham. Also, plans to visit a couple sites on Cape Cod. Likely Whitman Club Saturday and Barnstable ARC and Falmouth ARA Clubs Sunday Morning.
Frank O'Laughlin WQ1O (DEC-Cape/Isles)
Usually operates at FARA (Falmouth) &/or with Barnstable
2014 - Operating with Barnstable ARC Field Day and will likely visit the Falmouth ARA site over the course of the weekend
Jim Palmer KB1KQW (DEC-Essex & Middlesex)
Congratulations to all the Eastern Massachusetts clubs and individuals who participated in this year's Field Day. It is a great event for newcomers to the hobby to learn basic operating skills, and for the more experienced to share those skills. Thanks to all who made Field Day a huge success. Thank you to the EMA clubs who took the time to send your Section Manager a Field Day message and claim the 100-point bonus score as well. For personal reasons, I was unable to visit many club Field Day sites as I had previously the past two years. I did manage to visit the Quannapowitt RA (QRA) in Burlington, and the Boston ARC/Harvard Wireless Club in Hingham. I am happy to say the EMA section staff helped to fill in with visits; thanks, Marek KB1NCG (SEC), Marcia (KW1U), and Rob KD1CY. Bill N1VUX, who maintains our EMA FD locator also toured several sites. I guess Bill wanted to make sure he got the maps and GPS coordinates exactly right. Nice going Bill! Both Tom, K1KI (New England ARRL Director) and Mike, K1TWF (New England ARRL Vice Director) were spotted in various EMA locales. Thanks to all the dedicated clubs, individuals, and ARRL staffers for a great 2017 Field Day weekend.