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§ EMA FD History 1999-2023
About (Notes, Credits)
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Our touring officials -- distinguished by badge colors and shades thereof.
Only entries marked "2007"
are updated from 2005/2006 forecast.
Prior year actual
results can be found in History
Tom Frenaye K1KI (NE Div. Director)
Has toured RI, SE MA, CT, WMA
and VT in the past.
Typically operating as K1KI/m in
class 1-C
2006 - Tom was unavailable for touring.
- I
made it to nine EMA FD sites overall, and about 450 miles driven.
Met K1GBX at the really nice Nashoba Valley QTH on conservation land in Pepperel, Not much contact in the North Shore visit - people asleep or zipped into tents making QSOs...
Also made 50 or so QSOs while mobile, mostly on 20/40 CW.
Had two other FD sites I passed up on the way home because it was so late and arriving after 11pm doesn't really work!
My Field Day soapbox comments:
-- Tom
To see rest of New England on a map, see the NE Div alternative map
Mike Raisbeck K1TWF (NE Div. Vice Director)
Usually tours the EMA and adjacent sections
2006 - Mike was unavailable for touring.
- Well, I'll be traveling to Ft. Flagler, Washington
(near Port Townsend) to visit K7LED. Here's a link to the map:
Guess it's a bit outside the division ... ;-) 73, Mike K1TWF
Art Greenberg, K1GBX (EMA Section Manager)
Traditionally the SM tours EMA.
- New SM installed Jan 1st.
- I will start at the furthest and work towards home.
Also tried to visit MVARG but couldn't find it in the night
Rob Macedo, KD1CY (ASM)
New post.
See under SEC
David Upton, WB1CMG (ASM)
New post.
Mike Ardai N1IST (BM)
Previously set up with Boston ARC, managing logging computers.
Ron Wood, W1PLW (PIC)
Previously operated with AARC and toured.
Algonquin Amateur Radio Club where I will operate between tours
Worcester Emergency Communication Team (WE1CT) / Central Mass Amateur Radio Club depending on time
Mike Goldberg K1LJN (OOC)
Typically setting up with Billerica ARS & MITRE @ MITRE
2006 Actual Results "I was in residence with the BARS/MITRE site in Bedford."
Bob DeMattia, K1IW (TC)
normally tour, but if MMRA
Phil Temples, K9HI (ACC, and former SM )
formerly toured extensively as SM.
2006 Actual Results - 261 Miles
- I'm still formulating my itinerary. I'll
probably start to the south this year, beginning with Falmouth.
On Saturday, I visited the following sites:
Swansea Emergency Management / Southeastern MA A R Group
On Sunday, I caught up with:
Braintree EMA / K1USN Radio club
Genesis ARS (Plymouth)
Also tried to visit MVARG but couldn't find it in the nightl
Rob Macedo KD1CY (ASM, SEC + DEC/Skywarn)
Usually operates at SEMARA or handles SKYWARN issues at NWS BOX.
2006 Actual Results - Operated at SEMARA, having delegated SKYWARN issues to N1FY at MARA
- As for my plans, they are weather dependent. I
may go visit the Swansea
EMA Field Day (SEMARG). A few of [us] are considering doing
Field Day at Acushnet
EMA for a period of time as well. Unfortunately, they could all
get scrapped if thunderstorms / severe weather occurs.
Mark Duff, KB1EKN (DEC-Public Safety Agency Liaison)
Usually tours. Has previously camped with BARC.
- Will be operating with BARC
Steve Schwarm, W3EVE (DEC-Field Ops)
Ed Berg, N1VSJ (DEC-Ops)
Sometimes does FD.
Frank O'Laughlin WQ1O (DEC-Cape/Isles)
Usually operates at FARA (Falmouth) &/or with Barnstable
- operating with FARA
Blake Haskell, K1BTH (DEC-MetroBoston)
Usually helps BARC set up.
2006 - Delivered food to BARC/SATERN W1MSA Field Day
- Will be operating with BARC
Carl Aveni, N1FY( DEC-South Shore)
2006: Operated with Massasoit ARA at the Bridgewater EOC.
- Running Field Day with Massasoit
ARA at the Bridgewater EOC as a partial operation.
Steve Telsey N1BDA (DEC-Middlesex)
Typically participating with PART and visiting MITRE/BARS.
- He will be at PART Field Day. He may visit Mitre as
well but is undecided.
Terry Stader KA8SCP (Area I RACES Radio Officer (ARES DEC for RACES Area I)
Eric HorwitzKA1NCF (DEC-NorthShore)
Number of Confirmed! Sites=0 (To Confirm your site)
By County - Number of Field Day sites expected in each county. Click on county to list them -- or click on icon in map at right.
! denotes 'Confirmed'. * Denotes ARRL Affiliates, ** an ARRL Special Service Club.
*All Affiliated*
Show Highlighted Clubs.
!All Confirmed!
All Likely but NOT Confirmed
County Count
All, alphabetical
Show Non-FD Clubs.
Pages in FD web: EMA FD Home!
§ Directory!
Site List
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§ FD and ICS/NIMS !
§ FD Planning,Rules, Scoring, & ARES
§ Safety:
Safety Officer, Lightning, Heat, Resources!
§ EMA FD History 1999-2023
About (Notes, Credits)
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