HHTN Net Preamble

Updated July 2, 2023
Is there any emergency traffic or business for the network before we begin tonight’s session of the heavy hitter’s traffic net? This is (—). Net control.
With nothing heard, calling the heavy hitter’s traffic net this is (___). My name is (___) and I am located in (___). This is a directed net that meets at 2145 local Sunday through Fridays and 2200 Saturday on the Minuteman Repeater Association Network with 2 meter repeaters with PL 146.2, 220 pl 103.5, 440 PL 88.5, the Mt. Greylock repeater 146.91 pl 162.2, the Fitchburg Repeater 145.450 PL 74.4, the Gardner Repeater 145.370 PL 136.5, the New England Reflector Echolink: NEW-ENG2 and IRLP 9127.
Our alternate Echolink/enabled repeater is Waltham, 146.64 PL 136.5.
The heavy hitter’s traffic net passes formal written traffic in and out of the area and wherever third party traffic is permitted. This net is affiliated with the National Traffic System of the American Radio Relay League.
When calling the net please say HERE IS followed by a carrier drop to check for doubling, pause for the repeaters to drop then Please key for three seconds before providing audio, give your Call sign phonetically, name and location  and whether or not you have traffic or have an announcement.
All stations are invited to join the net and are encouraged to check-in whether you have traffic or not.
–Calling the heavy hitters traffic net, looking for stations to list their formal written traffic to please call now.
–Calling the heavy hitters traffic net looking for additional stations to list formal written traffic or have an announcement, please call.
–Calling the heavy hitter’s traffic net we now hold traffic for (_____) Looking for any stations who can take this traffic to please call now.
–Calling the heavy hitter’s traffic net we now hold traffic for (_____) now looking for stations on echolink or IRLP with or without traffic.
–Calling the heavy hitters traffic net, the net now holds traffic for (_____) Looking for stations on the Mt. Greylock repeater with or without traffic, please call now.
–Calling the heavy hitters traffic Net, net holds traffic for (___) stations on the Minuteman repeater network with or without traffic, please call now.
–Pass traffic and any announcements.
–Final call-up for additional check-ins from anywhere on the network please call.
–Check with those stations with unpassed traffic if they can hold their traffic?
–Excuse all stations from the net and thank them for their participation and support.
–Is there any further business for the net before I close tonight’s session? ).
–Nothing heard, this is (. . . (___) closing tonight’s session of the HEAVY HITTERS TRAFFIC NET. I would like to thank everyone who participated, especially those who brought and took traffic and those ready willing and able had traffic come their way and those who stood by while we held the net.  
I thank the trustees of the Minuteman Repeater Association, Northern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club, affiliated repeaters, Echolink and IRLP for their use.
The HEAVY HITTERS TRAFFIC NET is here on Sunday through Friday nights at 2200 local.
If you have comments or suggestions for this net, send an email to Joe, net manager at w1hai@arrl.net.
Join the Massachusetts Rhode Island Phone Net on 3.978 KHz Monday through Saturday at 1700 local.
For more information on how to send Radiograms and the list of traffic nets in eastern Mass. Visit: ema.arrl.org/national-traffic-system
For western Mass. visit:
The links will be up until 11:00. This is (—), returning the network back to regular amateur use and good night to all.