Supplement the knowledge gained in the ECC courses with our all day workshop. Learn about actual communication procedures from experienced ARES leaders. Includes field equipment demonstrations and personal preparedness. Attendance is required for all active ARES members prior to any assignment.
Ed Burg, N1VSJ, DEC for Emergency Ops, conducting a “go-kit” demonstration. Click to enlarge. Photo courtesy W1MPN
There will be an Emergency Communications Workshop on Saturday October 25th, 2003 from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM at the Littleton Town Hall, 41 Shattuck Street in Littleton, Massachusetts. This session is being put on by the ARES Section Staff and through the efforts of ARES DEC for Field Operations Ed Burg-N1VSJ and Northern Middlesex County ARES Emergency Coordinator Darrel Mallory-K1EJ.
This Emergency Communications Workshop will provide the background and information to serve Amateur Radio Operators when they need to respond to a communications emergency. It will feature an Introduction and Conclusion to Emergency Communications, and training sessions on topics including:
*Overview of Eastern Massachusetts ARES-RACES-SKYWARN Programs
*Net Operations
*NTS Traffic Message Handling
*Basic Overview of ICS
*Practical discussions and “Go Kits” demonstration
*Interactive Exercises on Field Operations
This training will also feature a 1 hour lunch that will be provided at no coerced cost to any Amateur who attends the session.
Please press link to read more and find out how to sign up and directions.The Emergency Communications presentations will be given by Amateur Operators in the ARES leadership who are well versed in the topics listed above. The training will be a worthwhile endeavor not just for emergency communicators but for anyone who is an amateur radio operator, and wants to,learn more about the hobby.
Preregistration is requested but not required for this workshop. You are allowed to preregister right up until the workshop and walk-ins to the workshop will be allowed.
Directions to the Workshop:
From the South:
Take I-495 North to Exit 30, which is the Route 2A/Route 110 exit and head toward Littleton/Ayer. Merge on to MA-2A/King Street/MA-110 to Littleton Common and take a left on to Shattuck Street.
From the North:
Take I-495 South to Exit 30, which is the Route 2A/Route 110 exit and head toward Littleton/Ayer. Merge on to MA-2A/King Street/MA-110 to Littleton Common and take a left on to Shattuck Street.
Talk-in: 146.955 PL 74.4 PART repeater
For any additional information and to preregister for the workshop, please contact:
W1MPN-Mike Neilsen w1mpn@ema.arrl.org
K1EJ-Darrel Mallory darrelma@aol.com
This training should be a worthwhile endeavor for anyone interested in learning more about emergency communications and amateur radio in general.
[Webmaster note: View pictures of the last workshop at the
ARES Workshop and SEMARA Cookout Photo Gallery.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
SEMARA ARES Emergency Coordinator
Southeastern Massachusetts ARES District Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com, and personal website: