Greetings folks.  Hope everyone is enjoying spring weather and getting those antenna projects done.  Here it is May and I realized I didn’t get the March report posted here.  As you may know I am Section Traffic Manager for both East and West Mass.  I decided to combine the reports for both sections and have a link for the West Mass folks to this page.

Participants of the East Mass Two Meter Net should be aware there have been problems with the Boston 145.230 repeater.  Club president NV1W has informed me they believe it is an antenna problem, but have been unable to get someone to the top of the Federal Reserve Building to make repairs.  Folks especially from the south of Boston have been unable to access the repeater.  Some even in the vicinity of Boston have encountered problems.  This station has a 13 element beam up 50 feet situated around 20 miles from Boston and have problems being heard.  We used to be able to use the Waltham repeater as a back up but apparently since that repeater was moved it does not have the coverage it used to have.  The Sharon repeater (146.865 PL 103.5) has good coverage, but not all are able to access that.  There has been a net session running on the Sharon repeater, and at times there are sessions running concurrently on both repeaters.  This causes some confusion, but I hope everyone will bear with us until the Boston repeater is back to it’s normal excellent coverage.

A reminder to all with HF capability, there are two section nets operating Monday through Friday: The Mass Rhode Island Phone Net on 3918 Khz at 5:30 PM, and the Mass Rhode Island CW Net (slow speed) at 7:00 PM on 3565 Khz.  These nets provide liaison to the Region Nets and we could use more help on both these nets.  See Jim N1LKJ for information on the phone net, and Marcia KW1U for information on the CW net.

If any are not submitting Station Activity Reports (SAR) or Public Service Honor Roll reports (PSHR) note information on this website.  We encourage more to report.  The PSHR requires a minimun of 70 points to be listed.  The SAR has no minimun.  Reports are sent to KW1U on the nets, on the N1XTB-4 BBS or via email at

Thanks to all for your participation.  Tell another ham how much you enjoy the nets.  Let’s see if we can encourage more to participate.

73, Marcia KW1U



EM2MN 22 19 115 99 KB1ENV 145.23 8PM Daily
MARIPN 16 14 31 94 N1LKJ 3918 Khz 5:30 PM M-F
WARPSN 5 15 91 NA NI1X
HHTN 16 25 53 264 N1LUM MMRA Rptrs 10PM MWF
MARI 21 46 84 361 KW1U 3565 Khz 7PM M-F
CITN NO REPORT N2JWW 147.375 7:30PM Daily
CM2MN 16 28 83 227 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMN C1 29 2 349 334 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMN C2 20 12 211 80 N1YCW 146.91 1PM M-F
WMEN 4 0 114 NA 3944 Khz 8:30AM Su
N1IQI 0 558 1017 0 1576 X
KW1U 0 565 544 2 1111 X
N1TF 0 110 170 7 287
N1UMJ 0 154 109 8 278
K1YCQ 18 109 98 29 254
N1LKJ 0 70 48 2 118
KB1WXC 4 21 17 11 53
W1PLK 0 17 3 9 29
KE1ML 0 0 2 0 2
PSHR 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTALS
N1UMJ 40 40 20 50 50 10 160
N1IQI 40 40 10 30 5 10 135
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
K1YCQ 40 40 10 20 0 0 110
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
N1LKJ 32 40 20 0 0 0 92
KB1WXC 33 40 0 0 0 0 73

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