Section News, July 2011


Section Manager (SM) - Phil Temples, K9HI
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) - "Bo" Budinger, WA1QYM
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) - Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) - Bob Salow, WA1IDA
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) - Rob Macedo, KD1CY
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
State Government Liaison (SGL) - Shawn O'Donnell, K3HI
Technical Coordinator (TC) - Eric Falkof, K1NUN


Field Day 2011 is now history. Amateurs across the section (and the
nation) have concluded another successful operation. Anyone who has
participated in a Field Day knows that it's one of the premiere events
of our hobby-service. Field Day is a tremendous PR opportunity. It
affords us the chance to again show the general public that we exist
and that we are not a part of some bygone era, rendered obsolete by the
Internet. Rather, we are still very relevant in today's society: we
possess the skills and equipment to conduct communications when normal
modes are degraded or rendered useless. We are truly the "glue" that
can be used to put the pieces back together when everything breaks.

Field Day is also a wonderful learning experience. It's a chance for
the older, seasoned veterans to impart their skills and knowledge to
the newbies in our ranks.

And of course, let's not forget--Field Day is also a fun contest.

Over the June 25-26 weekend, I had the opportunity to observe slices of
the Amateur Radio community that confirm for me our hobby-service is
alive and thriving.

I saw professional-looking tables displaying brochures and literature,
along with great media outreach to broadcast and news organizations,
and to the general public. I heard some first-class operators
operating. I observed savvy, technical know-how along with plain ole,
"roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-it-done" effort. I saw top-notch stations
and equipment, feeding everything from lowly dipoles to sophisticated
wire beam arrays and other innovative antenna designs.

I saw safety much in evidence--from fire extinguishers situated near
generators, warning flags and tape marking guy wires and stakes, along
with well-grounded rigs and equipment. Also, many groups had numerous
"eyes and ears" monitoring the weather conditions.

Consistently, I saw the more experienced guys and gals showing newer
hams how to tune a rig, log a contact on the computer, how to tie a
knot, fuel a generator, and safely drive a stake into the ground to guy
the tower. I was most impressed with the site that conducted technical
presentations during their operation, making Field Day a multi-faceted,
educational weekend. I saw a site that even held volunteer exams for
those who wished to upgrade. I visited several EOC operations that
reminded me why we exist as a hobby service.

I saw the pride in an operator whose face was beaming, who had just
concluded a "run" of contacts on 20 meters. I, too, got caught up in
the excitement at more than one Field Day location where 6-meters was
extraordinarily open. (Several times, exclamations could be heard, "Six
is hot! It sounds like 10 meters!")

It was very rewarding for me to display the Governor's Amateur Radio
Week Proclamation to all the groups I visited.

I drove approximately 347 miles, visiting 12 sites. I could have driven
200 miles more, and visited another dozen sites if time had only
allowed. I apologize to those clubs whom I failed to visit. To those I
missed, I'll say, tentatively, "See you next year." For those groups
who interrupted their routines to welcome my arrival and greet me and
give me the royal tour, I want to say, sincerely, "Thank you." These
Field Day visits are truly one of the highlights of my Section Manager

Special thanks to all the clubs who sent me links to their on-line
collections of Field Day photos. My personal photos can be found on my
web site at <>.

The Swansea Field Day consortium of Pilgrim AWA, Swansea EMA, Raymond
J. Levesque Memorial ARC, and Southeastern MA ARG grabbed coverage from
not one--but two--Providence, RI TV stations! See

Condolences to the Cape Ann ARA for the loss of Silent Key Briggs
Longbothum, AB2NJ of Gloucester. CAARA dedicated its Field Day
operation in Briggs' honor.

Framingham ARA recently honored the efforts of Ed Weiss, W1NXC and Mary
Weiss, KA1HGL for decades of service in teaching and instruction at a
special banquet attended by family, friends and club members. See

KB1OIQ has created a Linux Ubuntu 10.10 CD customized for use by
amateurs. The CD can be booted and used without modifying the existing
hard drive, or it can be installed on either a hard drive or a USB
memory stick. The software selection was chosen such that older PCs
with only 256MB of memory and a 1GHz processor would work well. See

The Original Colonies Special Events Operation is underway. Look for
special event call signs K2A-K2M QRV on the bands, July 1-5. Four
Eastern MA clubs using K2H are representing Massachusetts in the event:
PART of Westford (WB1GOF); Raymond J. Levesque Memorial ARC, Fall River
(K1ZZN); Southeastern MA ARA, Dartmouth (W1AEC); Cape Ann ARA,
Gloucester (W1GLO). For more info, visit <>.

N1NHZ reports that a new Yahoo group dedicated to digital amateur
television has been created. Sign up at

This SM, along with other Eastern MA delegates attended the New England
Division Cabinet Meeting on June 18 in Leominster, MA. Director Tom
Frenaye, K1KI convenes the cabinet meetings just prior to the bi-annual
ARRL Board of Directors meetings.

In lieu of a regular June meeting, the Waltham ARA held its annual
cookout in the park atop Prospect Hill.

Kudos to Chuck, W1HIS of Belmont for mentoring the Winn Brook
Elementary School "HAMsters" on a weekly basis this past year. Donna,
KB1LWY of Natick, has been most appreciative. She teaches the HAMsters.
Donna's been an ARRL "Big Project" participant for many years.

Sen. Bruce Tarr, N1UIU will be on-hand to display the 2011 MA Senate
Resolution for Amateur Radio Week, on July 17 from 10 AM-12 Noon at the
Cape Ann ARA club house, 6 Stanwood Street, Gloucester MA. All are
invited to attend.

Not only did Boston ARC run a Field Day event at the Bare Cove Fire
Museum in Hingham--it also fielded volunteers for communications for
the BAA 10K Race in Boston!

The K1ZZN gang is making changes to their web site.

Bristol Co. RC and Fall River ARA members mourn the loss of Silent Key
Fred Chew, N1BJY of Fall River.

The World Radiosport Team Championship will be held in New England in
2014! Is your club interested in helping sponsor WRTC? The organizers
welcome volunteer setup and other logistical assistance. And a
contribution of $1,000 will place your club's logo on the WRTC2014 Web
site and on a banner at one of the station locations. See

Bristol Co. RA members helped with communications for the Patriot
Triathlon on June 18.

Boston ARC looking into the possibility of setting up an EchoLink node
for its 145.23 repeater.

Eastern MA SEC and SKYWARN Coordinator KD1CY was featured recently on
WFCR radio program, "Focus Western New England: Tornado Aftermath"
discussing the recent Western MA tornados. See

Nashoba Valley ARC will again host its popular Lantern Battery
Challenge from Oct. 2011-March 2012. They've also sent an invite to
PART of Westford to join in on the fun!

Norfolk County RA members put together a very nice Amateur Radio
display on June 11 at the annual Walpole Village Fair in Walpole
Center. See <>.

KB1LQC is doing a co-op stint at MITRE this summer; looks like
MITRE-Bedford ARC will pick up a new member!

ARRL Hq. is working with Readex Research on a comprehensive marketing
survey to help support planning for a digital edition of QST. They are
currently contacting League members for their input. It's legit.

WC1MA at the MA State EOC in Framingham has been QRT due to recent
construction in the communications area. The good news is--the work is
scheduled for completion July 11-15.

73, K9HI

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Phillip Temples, K9HI