New Section Managers Train in Newington

W1AW tower and antennas
W1AW tower and antennas

Approximately 15 new Section Managers from across the United States attended a Section Manager’s Workshop September 5-7 in Newington, Connecticut. The Section Managers heard talks from Headquarters employees regarding the various services offered by the ARRL, ranging from Field Services and Training to Certification and Continuing Education to Marketing and Public Relations. The SMs also received a large quantity of useful materials and handouts.

The weekend event included time for discussions about problem-solving and informal social networking, as well as an opportunity to tour ARRL Headquarters and operate W1AW. The SM Workshop is a regular event; it is held annually in Newington, Connecticut at ARRL Headquarters.

Also attending were New England Vice Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF of Chelmsford, and Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI of Watertown. Temples, a three-term Section Manager, was invited by the workshop organizers to participate and to share his experiences as a veteran Section Manager.


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