CCARES will hold its “Operation Big Chill” exercise this Saturday, 31 Jan at 1000 throughout the Cape and Islands District.
Grab your boots and mittens—oh, and your Go-kit for the Cape Cod Amateur Radio Emergency Service’s (CCARES) winter cold weather exercise on January 31, 2004 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Dubbed “Operation Arctic Chill” the exercise will test the ability of Emergency Operation Centers, zone-based relay stations, and field operations teams under freeezing, weather conditions.
“This will be a drill to test our primary stations and other ARES member home stations,” explained District Emergency Coordinator Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O. “We will attempt to utilize HF NVIS, VHF/UHF simplex FM. We’ll also utilize VHF/UHF SSB and digital modes. And we will attempt communications with other ARES districts and their EOCs.”
WQ1O Photo courtesy of K9HI