The Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford will present an innovative series of 15-minute “Tool Box Talks” to debute at the club’s 2007 Field Day June 23-24, according to “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYT.
“We already have several volunteers for ‘tool box’ presentations. Scott (Andersen), NE1RD will be talking on ‘Using an Antenna Analyzer.'”
Budinger himself has volunteered to present on “HF Propagation for the Beginner.” Another member will speak on PSK31.
“We’ll list the date and time for each talk. We are actively looking for more people to volunteer,” says WA1QYT. “I would love to see some presentations on such subjects like: How to make a dipole; What is ham radio satellite communications like; What is APRS; and so forth.”
Budinger is excited about this new approach, adding, “there’s a lot in it for everyone.”
–Thanks, PART Particles, Volume 12, No. 2