BAA Half Marathon Volunteers Sought, Oct. 9

Brett Smith, AB1RL writes on the Boston ARC list:

The BAA Half Marathon is just a couple weeks away now. If you haven’t already, this is your last chance to register to volunteer on the BAA web site for the ham radio team. We can always use more help, and we’d love to have you join us.

If you haven’t worked this event before, it’s practically the best of both worlds: it has all the polish you’d expect from a large BAA event, but it still keeps that great supportive community atmosphere. And it benefits the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, so it’s for a good cause. You’ll need to report for your assignment at 6:00 AM, and then we finish shortly after lunch.

I hope you’ll sign up this weekend to join us. You don’t need to join any group when prompted; just select no group, then on the next screen, request an assignment with “Ham Radios.” Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

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