Tag: #nws
KD1CY, KB1KQW to Participate in National Hurricane Conference, March 27, 2018

Eastern Massachusetts ARRL field organization staffers Rob Macedo, KD1CY and Jim Palmer, KB1KQW will participate in the National Hurricane Conference Amateur Radio Workshop on Tuesday, March 27, 2018 from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
KD1CY is Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator and ARES SKYWARN Coordinator; KB1KQW is a District Emergency Coordinator.
Macedo will present opening remarks at the Amateur Radio workshop session and later, present on “VoIP (Voice over IP) Hurricane Net and Best Practices in SKYWARN for Tropical Systems.”
The workshop will be live-streamed. The livestream link, workshop schedule and presenters can be found at http://www.nsradio.org/KB1KQW/
ARRL, Citizen Corp To Set Up NOAA Radios In Schools
ARRL and Citizen Corp are teaming up to assist local school districts (if they need the help) to set up and register their NOAA Weather All Hazard Public Alert Radio.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Department of Education, and the Department of Homeland Security are partnering to launch a significant nation-wide project to distribute 80,000 NOAA Public Alert Radios to U.S. public schools throughout the nation. The radios are designed to signal different types of alerts ranging from weather emergencies to child abductions, and from chemical accidents to acts of terrorism. The radio acts as a sentry, standing guard 24/7, to sound an alarm when danger threatens.
If you, as an Amateur Radio operator, or an Amateur Radio club member, or ARRL Field Organization appointee would like to assist Citizen Corps in this project, please contact your local Citizen Corps Council to offer assistance. Where there isn’t a Council, please contact local Emergency Management.
Contacts should not be made directly to local schools but, instead, should be made by Citizen Corps and Emergency Management to local school district superintendent’s offices to ensure a coordinated plan. Assistance to schools will be provided at the request of, and in coordination with, the school district.
Citizen Corps
* To locate your State Citizen Corps Council log onto http://www.citizencorps.gov/citizenCorps/statepoc.do
* To locate your local Citizen Corps Council log onto: http://www.citizencorps.gov/councils/find_council.shtm or http://www.citizencorps.gov/citizenCorps/mycouncils.do
Emergency Management
* To locate state offices and agencies for emergency management, you can log onto: http://www.fema.gov/about/contact/statedr.shtm
* To get contact information for local emergency management offices, you can email or call IAEM, The International Association of Emergency Managers, at info@iaem or 703-538-1795×2 to ask for your local contact or you can click on the link for the state web sites at http://www.fema.gov/about/contact/statedr.shtm
The NOAA Web site (http://public-alert-radio.nws.noaa.gov/) (http://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/) is the primary location for information and updates for Citizen Corps and associated volunteers for this project.
The following links contain background information about the program including a document on frequently asked questions and answers about the program, Citizen Corps volunteer material for the NOAA Public Alert Radio Program, a copy of the letter that went to the schools along with a descriptive and informational brochure about the radio distribution program.
If you or your club or ARES group take part in this project with Citizen Corps or your local Emergency Management office, please report this activity to Steve Ewald, WV1X, (sewald@arrl.org) at ARRL Headquarters and to your ARRL Section Manager. Thank you very much.
NOAA Frequently Asked Questions
Citizen Corps Volunteer Information
Public Alert Letter for Schools
Public Alert Radio Brochure