New England QSO Party, May 2-3, 2020

New England statesTom Frenaye, K1KI, writes:

The [New England QSO Party on May 2-3 2020] is a great time to check out antenna systems and offers a moderately paced opportunity to work new states and countries.   You’ll find a wide variety of participants, from newcomers to experienced contesters, all interested in making contacts with New England stations.

With travel restrictions we do not expect to have activity from mobile stations but hope we can generate a big increase in home station activity.   Our goal is to get every one of the 67 counties in New England on the air so we hope you will encourage your members to join in the fun!   Even if you can join the fun for a couple of hours, we’d appreciate it!   Will you be QRV?   Let us know with a message to 

The New England QSO Party is 20 hours long overall, in two sections with a civilized break for sleep on Saturday night.  It runs from 4pm Saturday until 1am Sunday, then 9am Sunday until 8pm Sunday.  Operate on CW, SSB and/or digital modes on 80-40-20-15-10 meters.   For each QSO you’ll give your callsign, a signal report and your county/state.   Top scorers can earn a plaque and everyone who sends in a log will get a certificate.  The goal is to work stations anywhere in the world – and their goal is to work New England stations, so you’ll be very popular!

Last year we had logs from almost 200 New England stations and 450 more from around the country and world.

The full rules are here ->

The 2019 results were posted last weekend  ->

It’s just three weeks until the 2020 NEQP.   Please make some QSOs even if you don’t want to send in a log!


  73 Tom/K1KI

Vermont QSO Party, February 2-3, 2019

Joe Vanat, Jr., K1VMT, writes on the YCCC reflector:

The 61st Vermont QSO Party will take place during the first full weekend of February 2019.  It will begin at 0000 UTC Saturday February 2 and will end at 2400 UTC Sunday February 3.  Details and rules are at .

To my knowledge, all counties will be active. I’m told there will be rovers in northern counties on Saturday.  Also, an Essex County operator might be on 6- and 2 meters if rotors turn. It’s only -11F this morning, hi.

FT8 operators will be on. (Check for the special rules that apply.)

I will operate mostly CW and RTTY, even PSK31  (when on lunch break) and some SSB from Lamoille County. 

Hope to work you all.