***** 2002 SET Update *****
*** Generic Exercise Plan Available ***
Greetings to all,
I’m pleased to report that good progress is being made toward the 2002 SET on Saturday November 9. A generic exercise plan is now available for you to view on the EMa ARES website, http://www.emaares.com/Drills/SET2002_1.html. It will give you and/or your club a good idea of what will be happening that day. Please note that play is district-by-district, so please look for your final district plan containing details of the players, schedule, and frequencies on our website, and check in with your DEC. You can still join a team if you haven’t already done so. We now have 6 teams, and more are forming. Interested clubs can still join in.
Please contact your DEC as soon as possible, or me if you need to. If you’re not sure what district you’re in, our website has a map and list to help you at http://www.emaares.com/districts.html. Come on and join the fun!
Look forward to working with you then! 73,
Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN
Section Emergency Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts Section
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