KC1US writes:
Your skills are needed! Put that communications training you have received to good use at Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger. This will be the 35th event with radio operators playing a key role for many years. Last year over 42,000 walkers participated, raising a record 3.2 million dollars. This money funds in part emergency food programs at nearly 400 food pantries, kitchens and shelters throughout Massachusetts. More information about the walk itself or the food programs can be found at
http://www.projectbread.org. Our vital support is needed this year more than ever, due to the increased demand on these services.
Using two meter equipment, we will be in key areas tying together the over 1,500 volunteers with the Project Bread walk managers. With better weather coming, it will be a nice day to be outside, helping this worthwhile cause. Positions are available throughout the day along the twenty-mile route from Boston out to Newton and back. We need coordinator shadows, van communicators, operators with walking marshals and at checkpoints. All skill levels of hams are needed. Net control will be using the special event call sign of W4H.
To join in on the fun, you can sign up on line at the Crocker Public Service Group web site
http://cpsg.amateur-radio.net/, send a message to
W4H2003@amateur-radio.net or call me after 7:30PM at 781-275-3740.