MA RACES 60 Meter Test July 7

RACES logoWA1R wrote:

Please help the Mass. State RACES HF Net test the new 60-Meter allocation Monday night at 2100 hours (9pm). We are looking for any stations equipped with HF and 60 Meter capability to check in to a special session of the net from 2100 to 2130. The purpose, as noted, is to begin testing the capability and propagation characteristics of the new allocations. We will be meeting on the first channel 5332 MHz. Everyone is invited to participate.

Also, please note that we would like your assistance with some observations. Please let us know how you hear us and your observations of propagation. A simple email listing the location of your station, the S-signal strength reading, and your antenna setup is all you need.

As a reminder, we are limited to 50 watts into a dipole (unity gain). We must run USB and set our dials 1.5 kHz lower than the frequency listed. This will put us on what the FCC considers the center frequency so to work 5332, you would set your vfo to 5330.5.

Please email your results to

Thanks and 73,

Marc, WA1R

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