DNC Update #1

DNC Logo Hello to all…..

This will be the first of what we hope will be daily updates on our plans to assist participating agencies with the DNC. News items will appear in this column, while permanent material or changes will be posted in the left hand column under the heading “DNC OPERATIONS”.

Please note: Amateur Radio Operators outside the ARRL Eastern Massachusetts section should first contact their ARES Section Emergency Coordinator for permission to mobilize, as no “self mobilized” hams will be accepted, and will be turned away. Their response to you will depend on whether we have asked for assistance from outside our section, based on how much support we receive from inside the Eastern Massachusetts section.

And now the news…..

1. EMa ARES will begin a limited mobilization starting next Sunday, July 25th. Many of the germane parts of the Operations Plan (OpPlan) appear in the left column under the heading “DNC OPERATIONS”.
2. We will be having a communication drill tonight. Please see the updated note in this column. Please note that the frequency plan for our mobilization will not appear on this website, but will be passed to players under separate cover.
3. We have filled most of the required shifts, but we can still use more volunteers. Please contact any of the DEC’s or me if you would like to help. A summary of our requirements appears below.
4. We held a meeting this past Saturday with most of the ARES leadership staff, and some of the participating players to go over the draft OpPlan.
5. Players can expect the updated plan by the end of the week.

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