Cape & Islands ARES Exercise, Feb. 12, 2005

Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O writes on

There will be a Cape & Islands ARES Exercise this Saturday Feb. 12th from 10am-12pm. It is a rescheduled exercise that was postponed due to the Blizzard of 2005.

Several stations, including our primary field team will be using NVIS 40m at 7232khz +-10khz. A
secondary will be at 7275khz +-10khz. Any stations wishing to check in are welcome to do so. We will also be operating 6m, and will attempt to use the 6m MEMA RACES repeater and some possible SSB at 50.225mhz.

Our primary field site will be utilizing multiple bands/modes. Simultaneous operation will be conducted on 2m,6m,440,75m, and packet 145.010.


73 Frank WQ1O
Cape & Islands ARES DEC

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