Rick Zach, K1RJZ writes on FraminghamARA-L:
Free TV gear from WCVB-TV to non-profits. (Ham clubs/orgs are non-profits)
HATV-stations get first refusals, but if gear is still available as of Monday at 2PM, any non-profits, schools, local access cable channels, etc can have certain gear for free. Organizations can come to ch-5 on Monday (March 28) from 3-6pm to look at what is available. Take it away that night. Price: Free.
Item requests go not to me but directly to WCVB-TV Public Affairs Director Karen Holmes-Ward at 781-433-4037 or via email at kholmes@hearst.com . Specific equipment phone and email requests to Karen will be time-stamped on a first-come first-served basis. Requests can go in immediately and a commitment to remove the gear by Thursday is required.
Additional gear is not shown as we are adding to the inventory hourly.
Descriptions with pictures.