Eastern MA Field Day Directory 2005 – Updates welcome

Field Day '05 logoBill Ricker, N1VUX writes on CEMARC-List:

The Field Day planning season is well under way. And so the EMA Section Field Day Directory is being updated. But this requires input from the clubs, too.

Please check your club’s listing — if you can confirm same as last year, or have changes, please drop us an email. Also, if you have prior years’ scores (or pictures) that aren’t reflected (or linked), drop us an email on that too.



* Updated ICS/FD memo
* 2005 Logo
* links to 2005 rules changes
* 2004 Scores
* Links to Google Maps for street maps
* History page ehnahnced with past Section site maps or tour-maps linked and preserved, with old logos
* ALL Menus syncronized
* 1999 Scores added to history (Plus HPARC History 1993-Present)
* Commentary on 2005 rules changes


Bill, N1VUX
EMA FD Directory Editor

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