Terry Stader, KA8SCP, writes on PART-L:
[The Police Amateur Radio Team] has once again been asked to assist as a communications resource for the Westford Apple Blossom Parade on Saturday, May 14, 2005.The parade runs from 10 AM until 11 AM starting near the junction of Graniteville Rd and Main St. and ending at Abbot School. Like last year but not as big! Duty will be from 8:30/9:00AM until 11:00AM/noon at the latest. You will need to bring a 2 meter walkie.
Most volunteers will be assigned to “shadow” various members of the Parade committee. Our actually duty will not start till about 9:00AM but we need to get into the center of town before the roads are closed and we need to establish our assignments by 8:30 AM or so.
Please contact Bo or I if you are interested and can assist or need more information.
Terry, KA8SCP