Upcoming Zoom + On-Air Training for FLDIGI

Don Rolph, AB1PH writes:

We will be holding a Zoom session to help people get configured with FLDIGI:

Thursday October 10
7:00 PM – ~8:30 PM or until done
 We will go through the configuration of FLDIGI/FLMSG/FLAMP to work on your amateur radio station.  You will be attending a Zoom session from the PC controlling your station.  We will then check to ensure that your configuration is working.  If there are failures, we will work to debug them via screen sharing during the zoom session.   In some cases, issues will be resistant to debugging during the session and we will deal with these individuals in one on one sessions later.
To participate effectively in the Zoom session, your Zoom session and FLDIGI connected to your radio should be running on the same computer.
You should install: FLDIGI, FLMSG, and FLAMP prior to the session:
The Zoom invitation is:

Don Rolph is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FLDIGI Class
Time: Oct 10, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 9731 7457
Passcode: 854541

In subsequent weeks we will have Zoom + on-air training for NBEMS and how to interact with a digital traffic net. Please stay tuned for announcements.


K6KJN: “Twenty Things I’ve Learned While Curating the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications” at Framingham ARA Meeting, October 3, 2024

John Iwuc, KB1VXY, writes on the Framingham ARA mailing list:
Please register for our October 3 meeting. We will forgo our usual business meeting and start promptly at 7 pm at the McAuliffe Library and on Zoom.
  1. Tom Frenaye, K1KI, who is one of the contenders for the New England Division Director of the ARRL, will talk for the first 10 minutes or so.
  2. After that Kay Savetz, K6KJN, will talk about  “Twenty Things I’ve Learned While Curating the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications”
  3. We are planning on having Fred Kemmerrer, AB1OC, current New England Director of the ARRL, talk about his work at a special meeting probably on 10/10/24, stay tuned.
Please register whether or not you will attend on Zoom.