Wired News on the web features an article on May 25, 2005 by Mark Baard entitled “Hamming It Up at Radio Meets” archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20050531223010/http://www.wired.com:80/news/digiwood/0,1412,67615,00.html showcasing the Harvard Wireless Club and MIT Radio Society, and the “Flea at MIT.” The article features a number of related photos. It also plugs Amateur Radio public service, and the Dayton Hamvention®. Prior to its publication, Baard spent time with the respective clubs and their members in researching the story.
While Baard endeavors to introduce the public to the positive aspects of the hobby, he devotes an inordinate amount of print emphasizing the “nerdiness” factor. For example, the article’s opening sentence reads, “If you think you know what a nerd is, try visiting a swap meet or convention where amateur radio operators like to hang out.” Unfortunately, the word “nerd” keeps popping up.
A Boston-area resident, Baard has covered computers and technology for such publications as Wired News, Information Security magazine, The Boston Globe, The Village Voice, and The Times of London. Baard is an Adjunct Professor of Journalism at Emmanuel College.
[Marty Connor at MIT Flea, K9HI photo]