Cape Cod ARES and Sturdy Memorial ARES Hold Exercises in Past 2 Weeks

Hello to all….

Cape Cod and Sturdy Memorial ARES both have both held exercises in the past 2 weeks to improve their readiness. Each group having several EOC’s and hospitals playing in the exercise. Both scenarios dealt with poor conditions from an ice storm.

The Cape Cod ARES exercise was Saturday February 3rd, 2007 led by Cape Cod ARES DEC, Frank O’Laughlin-WQ1O. Over a dozen stations participated in the exercise. The Cape Cod and Falmouth Hospitals both had Amateur participation for the first time in recent memory. EOC’s in Falmouth and Nantucket island were activated including what George Allen-N1NBQ, Nantucket RACES Radio Offier put in a note, a once in a lifetime opportunity to utilize the $500,000 dollar Nantucket mobile communications vehicle. The Red Cross in Hyannis was also used as a base of operation.

Simplex 6 Meters, 2 Meters, Packet and a portable 440 repeater on a portable tower was utilized along with a trailer. NVIS was attempted on both 40 and 75 Meters but band conditions were too poor for it to be utilized. ARES SEC, Rob Macedo, KD1CY, observed the Cape Cod ARES exercise from Red Cross Hyannis.

The Sturdy Memorial ARES team had an exericse on Sunday January 28th, 2007. The Sturdy Memorial ARES team had an exercise on an ice storm with numerous Amateurs participating in the Attelboro, North Attleboro, and Norton area. The club station at the Sturdy Memorial Hospital was activated. Their scenario also involved an ice storm and involved support for the Sturdy Memorial hospital and their local area.

Pictures were provided by the Sturdy Memorial team. The first picture shows Sturdy Memorial ARC Emergency Coordinator, John Benson-N1FLO at the mic of the Sturdy Memorial hospital station:

John Benson-N1FLO at the mic of W1SMH

The second picture shows several Amateurs at the station. From left to right is K2TGX, N1FLO, KB1DRL (foreground), W1TW hidden and N1DPY near the window. The picutre is shown below:

Amateurs gather at the Sturdy Memorial station

ARES SEC, Rob Macedo, KD1CY, participated in the exercise on the 147.195-Attleboro Repeater from home. He monitored and checked in with ARES EC John-N1FLO for any assistance they may require.

Special thanks to Frank-WQ1O and John-N1FLO for their efforts in making these exercises for their local ARES teams.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
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