The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association will hold a 24-hour “winter” Field Day exercise beginning at noon, January 24, 2009, according to CAARA’s Briggs Longbothum, AB2NJ.
“CAARA will exercise and demonstrate our capability to deploy and communicate under emergency conditions using portable/battery power. This event is similar to the ARRL’s well-known Field Day event held every June but will be conducted in January inside our club house but using non-permanent equipment and off-grid power,” says Briggs.
“Many will remember what a good time it was last year and with that experience to build on, we can plan for even more fun this time around,” AB2NJ adds. “It’s only 24 hours but there’s room for everyone to log some Q’s for the team effort.”
Winter Field Day 2009 — Final Report
Bill Poulin, WZ1L writes via CAARAMail list:
Hello Folks:
Well for those of you who were unable to participate in the Winter Field Day 2009, you missed an awesome chance to brush up on your skills of CW or Phone operations in a Contest environment.
We would like to thank Eric, KA1NCF, NSRA Equipment Manager and the North Shore Repeater Association for the loan of five (5) laptops, for the N1MM Logging Prrogram.
Mark, W1MAW, and Nat, NG1Z, We would like to thank you also,f or your herculean efforts to keep the network, software, antenna and radio problems in check. Thanks Mark!!! Thanks Nat!!!! and Bravo Zulu!!!!
The main operators: Nat, NG1Z, Mark, W1MAW, Rick, WZ1B, Briggs, AB2NJ, Mike, K1MB, Ralph, W1RK, Dean, KB1PGH, Dave, KB9YOZ, AL, N1QEH, Jake, KB1RBR, Chuck, N1OCT, and Bill, WZ1L.
We would also like to thank the additional club members for their continued support during the operations: Dick, KR1G, Curtis, AA3JE, Charlie, WI1U, Ed, Ak1U, Dick, K1VRA, George, WA1NTA, Stan, W4HIX, Ken, KB1GYM, Paul, KB1PQQ, Sandy, KB1PVN and Sue, N1XQW.
We would like to thank Dr. Rick Maybury for the delicious Chinese Food for Saturday’s Supper. That hit the spot. A fly on the wall told me there was a raid in the early morning hours on the left overs and understand it was “even better warmed up”. “HI HI.”
We would also like to thank Sue, N1XQW, and the “Kitchen Crew”, Jenn, Sandy, and Paul, with Chuck adding where necessary, for the delicious breakfast that was prepared for the operators and Club Members who were in attendance.
As the Winter Field Day Operations Crew was cleaning up, a note was made that about 501 contacts were made with combined efforts of CW, SSB, 6MTRS, and RTTY. The data still needs to be verified and formatted and we will be duly informed when the final tally is counted. We would like to thank in advance, Mark, W1MAW and Nat, NG1Z for this task. 🙂
Thank you all who participated directly and indirectly if we missed you or you failed to sign the “SIGN-IN LOG”. We look forward to future ventures in a competitive operating scene.
Member, Board of Directors,
Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association
Hello Folks:
Hello, just thought that I would send this email and invite you to participate in the CAARA Winter Field Day 2009.
Thanks to Briggs, AB2NJ, for setting this operations in motion.
Thanks to Nat, NG1Z, Mark, W1MAW, and Mark, N1UGM for the loan of some laptop computers for logging the event.
Thanks to Mark, W1MAW, for his herculean efforts in setting the network up and getting the software installed and up and running for the event.
So far, we have seen:
Briggs, AB2NJ, Nat, NG1Z, Mark, W1MAW, Dean, KB1PGH, Dave, KB9YOZ, Bill, WZ1L, AL, N1QEH, Tom, K1NHA, Jake, KB1RBR, Ralph, W1RK, Mike, K1MB, Rick, WZ1B, Glenn, K1GP and Sue, N1XQW and Jenn Downey.
The contest runs until Noon on Sunday. If you have time, come on down and take a crack at a mike or a key and give the Club a few extra points in this event.
Hope to see you soon, as you are missing out on some delicious Chinese Food, Chili, and if it is after 10am on Sunday, Breakfast!
So, come on down.
Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association