Cape and Islands ARES DEC Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O writes:
Hello to all,
If you have time this weekend, please participate in the Cape and Islands ARES district exercise being held this Saturday from 10 AM through Noon. Feel free to contact Cape Cod ARES as listed in the document at the link below and here is Frank O’Laughlin-WQ1O Cape Cod ARES DEC messasge on the exercise:
Cape and Islands ARES district will be holding its winter exercise this Saturday from 10am-12pm. We will be setting up an outside field station and operating on 2 meter FM, 6M repeater, FM and SSB. We will also be on HF. Please feel free to contact us as listed in the document.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
73′ Frank WQ1O Cape and Islands ARES DEC