Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday June 7th, 2014 at 1000 AM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Net Control for the June 7, 2014 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be the Brockton Hospital.  The net will commence at the usual time of 10am using the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
2. Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9
3. Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5
And than conduct a simplex test on 147.42.

The Net will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for final comments and net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of our participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for more groups or organizations to take Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at or Carl Aveni at We can assist with getting your location on the air.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3
Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0 
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0   
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9 
Mansfield EMA  446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Norwell 145.390 tone 67.0     
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8       
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5   
Weymouth 224.580 tone 100.0
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.


John O’Neill

South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH
55 Fogg Road, Mail Stop #25
South Weymouth, MA 02190

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