A Dartmouth amateur is now producing audio recordings of monthly Eastern MA Section News.
For over thirty years, Bob Zeida, N1BLF has volunteered his time with the Talking Information Center, a nonprofit reading service that broadcasts newspapers, magazines, books, and special consumer information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to visually impaired and print-impaired listeners. Bob has also recorded ham-related materials from QST and CQ Magazine for the Courage Kenny Handiham System.
“It struck me that your section newsletter […] would be a nice opportunity for me to promote ham radio activities by inserting audio commentary about some of the local ham radio clubs throughout Massachusetts.” In addition to entire audio recordings, Bob will select certain materials from the section manager’s letter to include in his weekly TIC hobby program. “I would pick and choose by weekly broadcast time-frame those activities that would coincide with the audio airing date.”
N1BLF’s first recording of the January, 2018 Section News can be found online.