Volunteers Requested, Ham Radio Demo at Boy Scout Camp Squanto, May 5, 2018

camp squanto signJack Foley, N1QE is requesting 6-12 hams to assist with an Amateur Radio “emergency communications information station” at Camp Squanto on Saturday, May 5 from 9 AM to 4 PM.

Foley is a former Scoutmaster and currently serves as a District Commissioner. He’s also the trustee of the BSA Camp Squanto Radio Club, W1CSQ. The Camp is located in Plymouth.

“This would be one of a dozen or so stations dealing with treating wounds, first aid, etcetera. Ours would deal with emergency communications.”

If you can help in demonstrating ham radio and talking to scouts about emergency communications, please contact Jack Foley, N1QE at jackm.foley@proforma.com.


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