Fox “On the Loose” in North Chelmsford, July 8, 2018

John Salmi, KB1MGI writes on the Fox Hunters list on July 8 at 10:20 AM ET:

Andy, KB1OIQ has placed his 80-meter fox out in North Chelmsford at crooked Spring Conservation land.



Andy, KB1OIQ adds:

Frequency:  3579.5 khz (give or take)

It is on a 12 hour cycle.  I deployed it around 8:45 AM.  It should transmit for 12 hours, then stay silent for 12 hours, and repeat until the battery discharges.

I plan to retrieve it on Monday after work.  I hope it is still transmitting at that time.

I’m still fiddling with the circuitry to extend the battery life.


2 Comments on “Fox “On the Loose” in North Chelmsford, July 8, 2018”

  1. John Salmi, KB1MGI writes on July 9:

    I found Andy’s 80 Meter Fox this afternoon about 2pm, at the Crooked Spring Conservation land in North Chelmsford.

    80 meters is an easy way of Fox Hunting,

    I parked at the metal gate on Crooked Spring rd. I could not pick up the until I
    walked in and 400 ft.

    Total time from the Parking area was 5 minutes. I just kept walking towards the signal on the trail, then the signal turned right off the trail, I walked straight towards the Fox and found it.

  2. Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ writes at 6:32 PM on July 9:

    HI everybody,

    I have retrieved the 80m fox transmitter. I hope everybody had fun trying to find it. Its batteries were exhausted.

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