North Attleboro Firefighter’s Kid’s Day Amateur Radio Table, July 19-22, 2018

July 22, 2018: Due to the inclement weather we won’t be operating the demonstration table at kids day today. I would like to thank everyone who came out and assisted over the past few days.


N1EZT, Pierre

Pierre Guimond, N1EZT, writes on the Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC mailing list:

Good afternoon Sturdy Radio club members and friends of W1SMH! For those of you who may not be aware,  it’s time again for the annual North Attleboro firefighter’s Kid’s Day Festival . It will be held from July 19 through 22 at the North Attleboro Middle/High School complex, 564 Landry Avenue, North Attleboro.

We are going to have a club-sponsored information/demo table with HF, VHF, DMR, SDR  (and other  modes /information that  anyone might like to suggest) set up at NAFF Kid’s Day to advertise our club’s good work, and generate/spawn interest with the kids (and parents too!) for our hobby .

I’m planning a pop up tent, the club sign , a table, chairs , radios, batteries, computers, and at least two or three different portable expedient antennas.

I’ve had some interest from the membership already but I’m reminding you in case you wish participate and provide a small or large block of your time to staff the station. I’m keeping the scheduling as informal as I can.

I won’t be able to staff the station for the most part but l will be able to set up and take down equipment, and provide verbal support to other staffers as I am committed to other functions during this event.

I would like to have staff at the table on FridaySaturday, and Sunday afternoon from about 1 to 4 p.m. Based on response, we will extend or cut back the time.

This will be good trial run in preparation for the August farmers market in Attleboro, and hopefully a future open house Amateur Radio demo/special event station we are planning in the fall.

Any and all assistance is appreciated but I don’t wish to take staffing away from other activities at the event by radio club members / CERT team members, so I will ask that you keep this in mind if you wish to help out with the information table.

You can respond to me directly by email–until, and even after the event starts–if you can help out. I am grateful for any assistance you might be able to provide for this effort.

Thank you for your consideration. And thank you in advance for your support and expertise!

Sincerely and 73,

N1EZT, Pierre
SMHARC Member since 1986
401-230-5437 c

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