Boston ARC Winter Field Day, January 25-26, 2025

Ponkapoag AMC Cabin
Ponkapoag AMC cabin

From K1USN Happenings, 1/23/25:

Winter Field Day is an exciting annual event for amateur radio enthusiasts, taking place on the last full weekend of January. It offers a unique opportunity for radio operators to set up field operations in remote locations, enabling them to connect with other participants worldwide. You may choose to participate solo or get your your friends, family, or whole club involved. Winter Field Day is organized by the Winter Field Day Association. The association strongly believes that ham radio operators should practice portable emergency communications in winter environments. This is because freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards pose unique operational concerns.

Several local groups are planning Winter Field Day activation and encourage you to visit, participate and enjoy some brisk Ham Radio fun.

Scott – K1SU has extended an invitation to all K1USN members to join the winter FD crew @ Ponkapoag AMC –

Boston ARC Winter Field Day Crew
Boston ARC Winter Field Day Crew

The Boston Amateur Radio Club is delighted to announce that we will be resuming our operations at AMC Ponkapoag this year. If your schedule permits and you find yourself in the vicinity, we cordially invite you to visit us at the distinguished Marion cabin. Contact Scott – K1SU for details –

“Coast Guard Auxiliary Communications” at Sci-Tech ARS Hybrid Meeting, January 7, 2025

New England Sci Tech logoTuesday, January 7: “Coast Guard Auxiliary Communications” by Harlan Doliner, NE1HD.

Description: This presentation will focus on how the Coast Guard Auxiliary utilizes VHF, HF and other frequencies in working independently and with both Active Duty Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reservists. This work involves standing radio watches, participating in search & rescue, performing comms in other surface, air and ground missions, supporting safety education for the recreational boating public, as well as other areas. The presentation is aimed at ham radio operators and includes some information on non-secure USCG frequencies which hams can monitor.

Bio: Harlan was first licensed as a ham in 2014, upgrading to Extra in 2016. He focuses mostly on HF DX and local VHF nets. Harlan has been in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary since 2001 and his current duties include pre-arrival screening of foreign flag vessels for Sector’s Port State Control. Harlan is qualified as an Auxiliary Telecommunications Operator and in 2004 was a member of one of the Auxiliary teams representing the United States in the International Search and Rescue Competition, where he was the team member in primary charge of comms. He lives with his wife in Holliston.

AED Refresher at Southeastern ME ARA

Southeastern MA ARA logoRichard A. Netinho, AC1JG writes on the SEMARA mailing list:

On Sunday 01/19/25 at 11:30AM [SEMARA] will be hosting  an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) refresher course at the club. Everyone is welcome to attend. The class will be conducted right after Sunday coffee.

Try to let us know if you plan to attend. Prior registration is not required. We would just like an idea of how many people will be attending.

Thank you,

Richard A. Netinho

“Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s antenna laboratory, Software Radio Design course, and STEM in general at WPI” at Sci-Tech ARS, December 17, 2024

New England Sci Tech logoTue, December 17, 2024 at 7 PM: “Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s antenna laboratory, Software Radio Design course, and STEM in general at WPI” by Alexander M. Wyglinski, WPI Professor & Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Bio: Dr. Wyglinski is an internationally recognized expert in wireless communications, cognitive radio, spectrum coexistence, 5G/6G, connected vehicles, software-defined radio, dynamic spectrum access, satellite communications, and vehicular technology. Dr. Wyglinski is a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering and Robotics Engineering as well as the Director of the Wireless Innovation Laboratory (WILab) at WPI. Throughout his academic career, Dr. Wyglinski has published nearly 50 journal papers, over 120 conference papers, nine book chapters, and three textbooks. Dr. Wyglinski is a Senior Member of the IEEE, as well as a member of Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, and the ASEE.

Nashoba Valley ARC: W1 QSL Bureau Sort, Pepperell, November 21, 2024

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club‘s November meeting is Thursday, November 21st at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell). We start gathering at 7 PM to socialize before the meeting starts. The November meeting is traditionally our W1 QSL Bureau night where the club sorts several thousand QSL cards for the bureau.  Eric Williams, KV1J, the bureau manager, will give a short presentation on how the bureau works. Pizza and soft drinks follow the card sort.  It is, by far, my favorite club meeting of the year.  It’s a social experience you won’t want to miss, and it’s a lot of fun.  I personally can’t wait to hear this presentation!

As always, feel free to bring a friend

Come and join the fun!

If you need directions to the club meeting, please click <> here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG
978-772-2773 or  <

Wellesley Amateur Radio Society POTA Event, November 2, 2024

Parks On The Air logoDATE : Saturday, Nov 2, 2024 (rain date – Sun 11/3)
TIME : 11am – 3pm
PLACE : Elm Bank Reservation – Lot B
                900 Washington St.
                Wellesley, MA
Talk-in Frequency : 146.55 MHz
Join the fun of operating outdoors in the crisp fall air ! We are meeting in Lot B which is opposite Lot A at the top of the first hill where the road bends. Turn right into Lot B.
We’ll be using the club radio, antennas, and coax, but feel free to bring your own gear to operate. Leandra has graciously offered to setup our club station callsign (W1TKZ) for POTA operation.
The October SparkGap has a GREAT checklist on Page 11 of some things you may wish to bring.

N1DQ: “PSK Reporter” at Nashoba Valley ARC Meeting, October 17, 2024

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s October meeting is TOMORROW, Thursday, October 17th at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell). We start gathering at 7 PM to socialize before the meeting starts.

For October, our guest speaker will be Phil Gladstone, N1DQ, author of PSK Reporter. PSK Reporter is an amateur radio signal reporting and spotting network which allows hams to see where their radio signals are being received. The platform works by collecting digital signal reports from software clients like WSJT and FLDIGI, then mapping them to show which stations are being heard by other clients.

I personally can’t wait to hear this presentation!

Come and join the fun!

Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG

978-772-2773 or


K3DRE: “Lessons Learned as a Ham for Broadcast RF and vice versa” at Sci-Tech ARS, Natick, October 8, 2024

New England Sci Tech logoThe Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society will meet on-line and in-person on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 7 PM and feature: “Lessons Learned as a Ham for Broadcast RF and vice versa” by Doug Evans, K3DRE.  

Description: From broadcast radio into ham radio and back. Doug will share with us lessons learned in professional radio and how they led him into ham radio. From there, he’ll move to the things he learned as a ham that helped his career. Doug’s been to a lot of places and has seen some very interesting things, but found that the basics of RF always apply. Today’s modern digital broadcasting owes a lot to early hams.

Bio: Doug received his first FCC license (a third class radiotelephone operator, with broadcast endorsement) after he graduated from high school. The day after he graduated, he started working with his first rig, a 3000 watt FM transmitter, at the now defunct WMSP FM. After several years in commercial radio, Doug went to work for Public Broadcasting in Hershey, PA. After 23 years there, Doug left as a Producer/Director, having done a number of other roles as well. He then took a job doing HD wireless cameras and support communication and control for broadcast networks, and remained in that role for a number of years. Since Doug retired, he volunteers at ultra marathon special events and is a ham radio operator for the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. 

PART Group-Club POTA US-2435, Carlisle, October 14, 2024

PART of Westford logoAdam Smith, AA1N, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:Hi PART’ers – 

I took some time to read through the POTA web site again.  Under the rules we can either do multiple individual activations, or a club/group activation. 

As a group, all activity from a single callsign from the same park in the same (UTC) day would count toward the activation (but it’s possible to log the operator for each QSO under a shared call – and ops get some credit).   If we wanted to do this (for this or future ops) then we’d want to register a group call with POTA – not sure if WB1GOF is registered, or if there’s a protocol for approving use of the club call for events?

If acting as individuals:
* each individual calling CQ POTA will need to have a account, and to submit their own log of contacts after the event.
* each individual in this case could have a successful activation (10 contacts), or not
* we can share radios and “pass the mic”, or run separate radios (technical & interference concerns notwithstanding)
General POTA Rules:

   See in particular rules #4 and #5 under Logging Requirements, and the “Clubs and Multiple Operators” section under “Guidelines, Interpretation, and Intent”.
The latter section refers to another doc, Guide for Clubs/Groups:
Hope to see folks in a week, I’m planning to be there with an HF radio, probably to run primarily voice/SSB.  The area they asked us to operate in has some good open space – finding decent shade may be more of an issue.   From what Neice said, we should park at the lot off of Lowell Road (set GPS for Great Brook Ski Touring Center), rather than the lot off of North Road nearer the ice cream / dairy farm.  See attached pic from Google Maps – the lot at the left and field toward the Park HQ marker.  Carlisle center is south on Lowell Road from this view.  I went by this weekend, it’s a large lot and the field to the south is fairly flat and very open.  Bring your own antenna support, and maybe sun cover.
Adam / AA1N

K6KJN: “Twenty Things I’ve Learned While Curating the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications” at Framingham ARA Meeting, October 3, 2024

John Iwuc, KB1VXY, writes on the Framingham ARA mailing list:
Please register for our October 3 meeting. We will forgo our usual business meeting and start promptly at 7 pm at the McAuliffe Library and on Zoom.
  1. Tom Frenaye, K1KI, who is one of the contenders for the New England Division Director of the ARRL, will talk for the first 10 minutes or so.
  2. After that Kay Savetz, K6KJN, will talk about  “Twenty Things I’ve Learned While Curating the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications”
  3. We are planning on having Fred Kemmerrer, AB1OC, current New England Director of the ARRL, talk about his work at a special meeting probably on 10/10/24, stay tuned.
Please register whether or not you will attend on Zoom.

K9TAD: “Sunspots and Radio Propagation” at Billerica ARS Meeting, October 2, 2024

Billerica ARS logoBillerica ARS President Doug Bruce, N1WRN, writes:

We are pleased to announce that Terry Dennison, K9TAD, will be our Guest Speaker via Zoom on Wednesday Night, October 2, 2024. Terry will give a talk on Sunspot and Radio Propagation.

Here are some biographical details about Terry:

  • FCC Extra Class Amateur Radio License (2010), First Licensed in 2007 Callsign: K9TAD.
  • Memberships: American Radio Relay League (ARRL); Volunteer Examiner (VE) – authorized to participate in Amateur Radio License Examinations, Accredited to the Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group (GLAARG) VEC, VE # 3208E.
  • Associated with: the AD4VE team Southern California DX Club; Southern California Contest Club; PAPA System (Southern California FM/DMR/D-Star Repeater Club); AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation); G-QRP Club (UK Low-Power QRP Club).

We will announce the link to join the Zoom meeting before the meeting, but it will be posted to the BARS email list and should not be shared outside our Club. Are you on the email list? If not, please send an email to and then simply reply to the robot response from the server and you will be subscribed.

Observing our Zoom meeting requires only a web browser and headphones/speakers. You do not need a webcam or microphone unless you want to speak or be seen.

Before our meeting date, please go to and see if it will function for you. If you have problems, we can try to assist – feel free to ask questions on the BARS email list.

I am looking forward to “seeing” many of you there on Wednesday 10/2 at 1900.

AB1OC: “ARRL” at the Boston Amateur Radio Club, September 19, 2024

Boston ARC logoThe Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, September 19, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30.

Our speaker will be Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, the Director for the New England Division of the American Radio Relay League.

A Zoom link will be posted on the website on the day of the meeting.


Joseph Chapman, NV1W

Secretary, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Northeastern Wireless Club “Yagi Build” a “Fantastic Success”

Jonah Lefkoff writes on the Northeastern Wireless mailing list:

Yesterday’s workshop was a fantastic success. We built a ton of awesome tape measure yagi antennas, and learned a bit about impedance matching and soldering along the way. This Thursday we’ll be using them in a fox hunt around campus. I look forward to a fun night of searching for hidden transmitters!

Next week we begin our adventure towards developing a full PCB. It all starts with schematic capture, a critical component of the electrical design process. I hope to see you all there. 

Jonah Lefkoff, KFØINONWC members showing their constructed yagisKF0INO

StratoScience Lab Balloon Launches, New England Sci-Tech, Natick, August 14, 2024

StratoScience banner
Seth Kendall, KC1PZY, writes on the New England Sci-Tech ARS mailing list:
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know we are aiming to launch two separate StratoScience Lab balloons THIS WEDNESDAY 8/14 from NEST.  That means we’ll actually be filling up and releasing the balloon from the NEST parking lot.  Exact time is not nailed down yet, but release will most likely be sometime between 10am and 2pm.  We’ll update here the night before or morning of.  Since it is taking place at NEST, we also may be able to run the STARS Zoom meeting and have flight prep and the releases going live on Zoom.  We will update on that as well.  We will have a HamXposition presentation detailing all the projects, and maybe we can do a version of this at a STARS meeting, but just to give you a preview of what will be flown this week:
StratLab 2024 A:
  • Solar Tracking Rotator (Roy Y.)
  • Spectroscopy Sensor (Timmy B.)
  • Servo Heating System (Elias D.)
  • IMU Recorder and Downward Camera (Ewoud V.)
  • BFCCPS Humidity Sensor Experiment (NEWBS / BFCCPS School)
  • RunCam Split 4 Selfie Camera (Seth K. / NEWBS)
  • Tiny4FSK (Max K. / NEWBS) – 432.620 MHz
  • RS41 (Max K. / NEWBS) – 432.625 MHz
  • [maybe] Test version of altitude-based rocket igniter board (Dawid F.)
StratoSoar 2024 A:
  • Autonomous Glider (Charlie N.)
    • Planned separation at ~1600m
    • Also contains a Tiny4FSK (Max K. / NEWBS) – 432.630 MHz
  • RS41 (Max K. / NEWBS) – 432.635 MHz
  • RunCam Split 4 Downward Camera (Seth K. / NEWBS)
This means we will also have 3 separate recovery sites, so if anyone would be interested in helping to recover a payload, please let us know!  We could use all the help we can get.  Even if you’re only available after work hours.  All 3 trackers should hopefully be trackable on
Seth KC1PZY and Max W0MXX

Boston ARC POTA Event, Medford, August 10, 2024

Parks On The Air logoBrendan Baldonado, NW1S, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:
Following the great success of our POTA event in July we’re hosting another in August. 
We are planning August 10th at the Mystic Lakes Playground area. It is a little out of the city but there are a few Purple line stations nearby for those that are public transport dependent. We are also hoping to coordinate carpools with anyone that may need that too. 
So Shannon Beach at Mystic lakes has a large parking lot, although I imagine on weekends it gets very busy. (Satellite pictures included below) There are two more lots south of the main lot, and they may expand the parking I’m not sure. Mystic Lakes is between Arlington and Winchester just east of route 3. The parking lot is off of the Mystic Valley Parkway which can have terrible traffic at all times of the day. 
This is our first time going to this location so it’s going to be a bit scrappier than normal. As always we will use the .23 BARC repeater for coordinating onsite. There are only a few tables so bringing a table and chairs will be useful. 
So Bring a radio, and an antenna and power, if you need one you can borrow someones radio usually and we can all take turns. Bring your own lunch and snacks as you see fit. The plus side of this location is that if you want to bring family or kids there is a playground and a beach for swimming. 
If we get enough interest maybe we can bring a propane grill and have a cookout. So make your interest known now! 
Important information:
What: BARC Summer POTA 2!
Where: Shannon Beach Playground, Mystic Lakes State Park 
481 Mystic Valley Pkwy, Medford, MA 02155
When: August 10th, at 10 a.m to 2 p.m.
Who: Anyone that wants to join.
Bring: Food, Water, Sunscreen, and your portable operating station. (Radio, Antenna, Coax, Power)

Cape Ann Fox Hunt, July 27, 2024

CAARA logoBrandon Hockle, NQ1W, writes on the Cape Ann ARA mailing list:

On Saturday, July 27,/2024, Jim Barber, K1TT, will host Cape Ann Radioactive FB Group’s first fox hunt by car.

Participants will meet at 668 Washington Street, Gloucester, MA, at 11 AM, rain or shine.

The fox will be in Jim’s car (everyone will see it at the start) parked on a public road or parking area viewable from the road.

The fox will be on Cape Ann proper, Gloucester and Rockport, no need to cross the bridges over the Annisquam River.

The fox will transmit on 146.565 MHz at 0.5 watts. With such low transmitting power the fox may not be heard at all until the hunter is within a quarter mile. The fox will play tones followed by my call sign in CW for 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off.

We will have a two hour time limit on finding the fox. If everyone does so quickly we will attempt a second hunt. Sorry, no prizes, just bragging rights, as this is our first hunt. At sometime in the near future we will also have a hunt on foot.

Because fox hunts do not require transmissions by the hunters, an amateur radio license is not required to participate. we have a few handheld radios we can lend out to unlicensed folks who wish to play. 


Contact Jim Barber, K1TT, by checking out Radio Active Cape Ann or email:

Cheers de K1TT

Amateur Radio Presentation to Middle Schoolers, Mass Maritime, July 15, 2024

Barnstable ARC logoLem Skidmore, W1LEM, writes on the Barnstable ARC mailing list:

[Barnstable Amateur Radio Club] members will be presenting to  approximately 200 seventh and eighth graders at Mass Maritime on Monday, July 15, 2024.  This is a two-week program for “very smart” junior high schoolers. Evening programs are presentations o a variety of topics–ours will be Amateur Radio.

We will present from 6 PM to about 7 PM, then do Q&A and demonstration. We will be on 2m (both the BARC 146.955 repeater, and the FARA 147.375 repeater as well as HF on 10m on 28.300 and upwards, depending on band activity, and 20m 14.225 and upwards. We should be on from about 7 PM to about 8 PM .

Please look for W1MA on the air. We did this last year and the students loved it. In particular, the female students enjoyed talking with Shannon, K1WIT, on VHF, so it would be great if some of our women members could join us.