The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association is looking for volunteers on October 6 through October 9, 2018 for Mass Jam.
Mass Jam is held at the Barnstable County Fairgrounds in East Falmouth. The event brings Scouts from all over Massachusetts and Rhode Island for a weekend of activities. Mass Jam provides the scouts the opportunity to participate in fellowship and activities throughout the weekend. We would be providing an opportunity for Scouts to learn more about Amateur Radio and the opportunity to get on the air. Falmouth Amateur Radio Association can provide the necessary equipment (Radio equipment and antennas), but we will need operators. All operators at the event will have to be registered as volunteers at the event and will have to take the Boy Scouts of America Youth Protection Training (this is available at
If you are available or are already planning on attending the event with your local Scout Troop/Post/Ship and are interested in assisting with operating, please reach out to and indicate dates and times you are available. This is a great opportunity to reach Scouts from your local area.
Thank you,
Falmouth Amateur Radio Association