Cape Ann ARES Emergency Coordinator KA1BTK-Gardi Winchester II, writes:
Who: All Amateur Radio Operators:
What: Portable HF Operations and equipment exercise.
When: Next Sunday, September 30th (Weather permitting) from about 12:00 Noon – 5:00 or 6:00 PM
Where: Hospital Hill, at the top of Summit Avenue (through the stone pillars) in Rockport, MA, 01966
Why: Fellowship, practice, making sure your go-bag plans are complete and all of your equipment is functional, and a whole host of reasons!
Come and join fellow Hams in exercising and testing your equipment and plans, and have fun walking all over one another in a remote area! Hospital Hill is a large field area and Dog Park (Yes, bring your pets) that we have been using as our portable operations base for some time. We have running permission to operate from there. There are some nice hiking and walking trails to explore and beautiful vistas to see from up on the hill! There is no power so bring a generator or hook into your vehicle power.
Please pass this along!
Semper Paratus! & 73‘s ___________________#\____
Gardner H. Winchester II, KA1BTK, ARRL EC Cape Ann
“The most important tool for disaster recovery is communication”.